
The only pretending is thinking that you need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to have a different kind of door hinge.

Actually the streets were originally for people and public transportation. When cars came onto the scene, the motorists forced people off of them.

Yea, the street walkers are odd. If it makes you feel better, I do honk at them (assuming the sidewalk is clear).

You’d probably be upset if a crowd of people were just hanging out on the road blocking your car...

I’m sorry that ABS is a better driver than you, that it stole your job, and that it ran away with your girlfriend.

I’ve had that happen a few times, and they are ALWAYS pissed off when I honk and them. I assume that they get away with that shit often enough that they think they’re in the right.

I notice myself becoming a worse driver just with ABS. I used to modulate my braking pretty well in slippery conditions. These days I just lean on the ABS doing it’s thing and mash the pedal.

Why is it so hard for men to behave like grownups?

Eclipse is a fine name to cover a brand that is a shadow of it’s former self.

They are in no position to puff out their chest and make demands. If this escalates, both sides will lose, but their side will lose much, much more.

Did it just get cold in here or are your hands always that small?

Lets not kid ourselves... America spends money on guns/military because they like to, not because they’re charitably holding together NATO.

but people are obsessed with going to the moon instead of stuff that helps move us forward

If a city is really concerned with safety they would use real police inforcement instead of speed cameras.

When you drain a swamp, you flush away all the beneficial organisms of a balanced eco-system. Then you are left with the stench of decaying waste and muck.

Also, I doubt people got mad right away, it’s people getting mad when doing the neighborly thing of “asking politely” doesn’t work.

First they came for the project cars, and I did not speak out for I did not have a project car.

Idk why more people wouldnt be up in arms about this.

What’s wrong with standing up as a group with the good of everyone involved, employees and employers.