Well, it’s enclosed, has air-bags and seat belts, and is more stable than a motorcycle, so it should be safer than every motorcycle and many classic cars.
Well, it’s enclosed, has air-bags and seat belts, and is more stable than a motorcycle, so it should be safer than every motorcycle and many classic cars.
All you have to do is get the SX4 to weight ~1500 lbs and it’ll have the same power/weight ratio as the RS... so they’re basically the same car.
Her dressing in cosplay is just silly and an attempt to bend the rules in her favor to make a point.
Man, would I like to see more of her hatch...
Just replace the steering wheel with an ipod click wheel, and claim that you invented steering, and circles.
Well sure your car will get cracked if you don’t put a giant rubber thong over the whole thing to protect it...
Ford doesn’t want to sell direct to you. It means they need to keep inventory of new cars, run show rooms, manage sales, take care of service, etc. Dealers are an infinite sink-hole for manufacturers to dump their stock into.
That you plug it in rather than gas it up is a trifle.
I’ve heard a number of cases of people specifically trying to buy an Chevy Volt and the dealer doing everything in their power to steer them towards something else.
That back end just looks soooo sad :(
Can you just maybe report on the news without putting a stupid slant on it?
I might imagine that he designed his house like he designed his cars... someone else does the work and you say “no” until you like it.
... and in a last minute land slide, the President of the United States is... Pokemon Go!
You can’t trick me, Mercedes... you just Jeeped a Smart. Now it’s a Smeep, or a Jart. A Jart Cart.
I thought there was a speed limit, but apparently it’s only for new spawns to appear. If you’re going over 10 mph-ish, new pokemon won’t appear but the ones that have already appeared within a few mile radius are still catchable.
When Carlos is finished with his cost cutting, all that will be left is a Ghosn town.
There’s just one little thing...
Your shopping cart is.. erm.. disconcerting
Why do you hate them so much?