
Yea, it’s more like they bought a billboard.

I think the concensus is to never help friends/family buy cars because you will inevitably be blamed for any troubles or things they don’t like about it... the car you picked will never be as good as the hypothetical PT Cruiser you talked them out of.

It’s too late, now I’m just picturing a blind person scribbling circles on paper for new road plans.

Suddenly things make more sense!

The gear position is based on how long the control is held... 1/4 sec is the difference between park and reverse. That’s bad news.

Good god... a time based gear selector? That’s just the worst.

There’s got to be a minimum threshold though... it’s like technically the police could give you a ticket for driving 1 MPH over the speed limit, but they won’t because it’s silly.

That amounts to giving the driver a haircut before the race...

Customers are people, and people are assholes. Assholes who drive into buildings and blame the car because they don’t know the difference between left and right.

You must not work for a big company... they were probably promoted.

Kinda like a salmon jumping into a bears mouth, hoping he’ll choke.

I dunno, that there is a pretty satisfying gif.

Uhh...maybe you should read that first. I don’t think that article means what you think it means.

This story is about giving Tesla your data over the air, because that’s what you wanted.

Surprisingly, Evans is only tolerable when you only listen to him, and not watch him. Watching his facial expression during the show is what annoys me most, so... I guess, we should just look away when he shows his face and make the show bearable.

The future lies in double-decker crossovers.

I wonder if he alternates arms when working out.

The money is IN the bananna stand!

$14 000 if you put in the time...

When I was younger I was fooling around with some model airplane fuel, nitromethane. I put it in a plastic cup and tried to light it on fire. It was pretty disappointing that nothing happened. Then I noticed that the plastic cup started melting from the heat of an invisible fire...