
My husband doesn’t really get why I hate action movies and then I realized I just don’t like watching movies where only men get to be the center of the story - women are just sexy tokens at best to prove heterosexual sex is happening/rewards. So if you need to see a person of color in a meaningful role to get into it,

I love perfume! If anyone is looking for something interesting and unique and planning a trip to Ireland - visit The Burren Perfumery. They make small-batch perfumes from local flowers and herbs. The perfumes are not hippie-smelling though, they are all delightful and sophisticated scents. I am currently wearing

I do not pee in the pool and I rinse before I get in! (wetting your hair before you swim helps keep it from drying out). Act like human adults, people.

Also once in Romania my friend and I were invited to swim in the local pool by some guys we were staying with. The pool was a huge, brownish, concrete pit. I didn’t

So as feminism becomes more flexible and more sex-positive I am constantly scratching my head and thinking, “hummm, but wait is this feminism?”. Women being safe in whatever clothing they chose to wear (or not wear) is a feminist issue, but I don’t know that wearing a crop top to school is feminism. Just like if a

I think the one thing that is making the prospect of kids difficult for everyone is the fact that it’s really really hard to raise kids on one income. I don’t know how to correct this issue, but since the push to get women working now it’s suddenly almost impossible for one spouse not to work. Families should be able

I donno. I am bi, but I kinda think it’s healthy and okay for straight-identifying people to say they are occasionally attracted to people of the same gender. Sexuality is more complicated than some fixed part of my biology! When I was in college (a women’s college) people made a big deal about girls who

I have a better idea - replace all the men with women! New currency! I suspect we could just phase out the men over a few years and it wouldn’t be that costly,

I donno - I kinda side with the haters here. Part of why I seek out podcasts and other independent media is that it creates space for other voices, experiences, and talents. I sometimes just want an alternative to the narratives and personalities being pushed everywhere else - a place for fresh and new stories. Kim

Where did you get that statistic? I have a friend going through IVF and her doctor said based on her age and particular situation she has about an 80% chance of becoming pregnant through IVF. This site gives overall rates of conception:

Our shelter is full of russian blue cats - they don’t cause bad allergies!

You can find a lot of these designers second-hand! My BHLDN fantasy dress popped up on a second-hand site, but I’d already bought a BEAUTIFUL gown at a sample sale. But if you like a particular designer start trolling those second-hand sites like it’s your job. I say get what you want - not some cheap substitute - but

Yeah I maybe watched too much of that show - but it always was clear to me that there was tension. Holly was trying to do something real, and Kendra seemed to annoy her like a kid who wasn’t taking any of it seriously.

It’s not surprising though - they seemed like a badly matched pair. Kendra was young and clearly from a tough background, was still close with her single mom and grandma, and wanted a very different kind of success than Holly (ie. money to buy her family a flashy life). She saw Hef as someone who could help her

I was in a summer school french class years ago at UC Berkeley and a girl who was black became my default friend in the class. On the first day she asked if I wanted to get a smoothie after and then it kind of became our ritual. She and I clicked immediately and when she made a couple of jokes about white boys and I

They gave us the wrong cake flavor - SO WE GOT FREE CAKE FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE BAKERY!!!!!1
On a related note - we both gained 15 pounds during our first year of marriage.

Also straight couples - don’t go into a lesbian bar to pick up women for a threesome. My two bffs are single queer women and we’ve been going out a lot, and honestly like once a week one of them gets propositioned for a threesome by a straight couple. They are in LGTBQ spaces for a reason, to meet other LGTBQ people!

When people say things like “YES, it’s beautiful to be 160 pounds! Rock on, curvy chicks!” and then people respond “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SLIM ATTRACTIVE WOMEN WHO WANT TO BE BEAUTIFUL TOO???” I roll my eyes. It’s like worrying about white men’s feelings in a conversation about black empowerment. It’s okay to celebrate

I have an aunt who always posts links to Matt Walsh on facebook, and sometimes I can’t stop myself from hate-reading. He is a garbage-person who is mainly interested in blaming women for their own rapes and creating this false sense that the entire world is divided into conservatives and liberals and in each camp you

Oh hi, here is my money, okay thanks byeeee!

I am super excited about ‘Datter Industries’ cause I need those wing earrings. Also birthday present done for my astrology-obsessed friend who gets the moon necklace from ‘Almanac for June’. And yes, we will be twins with the narwal brooch!!! TAHNKS MUCH!

So I don’t have my glasses on - and I thought the photo of Cher was actually that teen mom who made a porn. Weird resemblance.