
I was at a wedding that had a no photos rule. I was like “what the what? are you the kardashians now?”. I try not to be a wedding-judger, but like, they had little signs on the tables and everything.

Jewellery is the easiest/most available item to buy ethically. I am with you!

Does anyone have any go-to places for ethical/local jewellery? I have lots of necklaces right now, but wear the same one every day, and a lack of exciting earrings. I’ve recently gotten stuff from Tangleweeds on etsy, and Nous Savons. The price point for Nous Savons is a bit out of my range but they sell for 20%

Try Poshmark! It’s a good start because it’s second-hand, and clothing-trading means less need for throw-away fashion. Plus no money goes to the corporations who are exploiting these women and girls.

For those of you who cannot afford anything but fast fashion - you probably can. I made up my mind about 5 years ago to try and make sure my wardrobe was 80% ethical/second-hand. It’s remarkably affordable and doable. I am a PhD student, so I make very little money (I get $12,000 per year for teaching part-time, but I

Yes, it’s illegal. And no one is making videos about it. Because women wanting rights is still too ‘controversial’. There were significantly more people taking to the streets over water charges than the death of Savita Halappanavar.

I went on a date once with a guy who told me that he and some friends managed to get into an A-list fancy hotel in the Swiss alps and crash a sort of informal celebrity hang-out. He was a really good looking guy and apparently they were mistaken for a boy-band and let in. So he said that the whole thing took a dark

I think whether you do a bouquet toss or not actually depends on your family. My lot are laid-back, we don’t harass singles to get married (in fact, my aunts tend to drink and little then insist all of us that are childless ‘wait as long as possible!’). The bouquet toss at my wedding involved anyone single, including

The awkward thing about marrying someone who was your best-friend-turned-boyfriend is that there just isn’t enough mystery. We used to talk about our relationships and sexual experiences before we got together. We recently went to a wedding where both of us had exes in attendance, it was so cringy because I knew so

A 2-bedroom house.

Congratulations - feminism transformed these tasks from being the sole purpose of your life to fun hobbies.

I think what the commenter is referring to here is the fact that the ‘LGTB community’ (like the ‘feminist community’) tends to be white-dominated and specifically not concerned with issues that the black community is dealing with. This does not mean intersectionality is non-existent, or that the LGTB community

She wore a tie and greeted the florist.

I am 12 months away from finishing my PhD - maybe they will hire me!

I really really really don’t like Kenan on SNL. I feel like he uses the exact same voice/expression for everything. If himself and Bobby Moynihan were gone tomorrow I’d be so happy (and I think Bobby does a variety of voices, I just find them ALL grating).

I was trying to figure out where one gets to do this for a class - thank you! I went to Mills and I feel like I spent all 4 years talking about my privilege, sucking at french and reading a lot of literature. Ugh, I wanna go back and take weird classes!

Maybe she’ll keep one, but what other’s have said is true - once her hormones change their relationship shifts, they are ready for some independence. When they get seperated too soon though it’s amazing because they never really move on. My cat was orphaned young and as a result he suckles still to fall asleep -

This is amazing. I think I should choose my baby names while drunk.

I have a german friend named Ivo and his brother is called Hugo - I think there are a lot of nice german names, good luck!

The key to having the best wedding: Actually, genuinely love the people you invite. The end.

When you are truly excited to include your guests generally they will humor you on the day when, say, you want them to all get excited about some weird tradition you insist upon. And equally when they get drunk and literally no