
"I LOVE eating healthy and being better at taking care of my body than most everyone else and no one understands! WAHHHH. Sometimes I get judged for not being a disgusting fatty and that makes me defensive! Listen - I not only look better but am generally having a better life than you. OK?"

That's how this came across

As a kid I used to come up with new characters for them, and I made these paper-doll prototypes with all the accessories, which I spent hours making and cutting out and laying out. I wrote biographies and outlines for their stories and practiced giving presentations at the headquarters for my new character pitches.

Why are there these strict rules anyways - graduation is to celebrate the graduates accomplishments - so why not let them be individuals?

And I know this young man's request goes beyond expressing "individuality", but I just wish he didn't even need to be fighting this fight. Ugh. Lovely young man though - hope he

This is so gross. They look like the rich and horrible overlords in a dystopian novel. Actually, they kind of are.

I just got salmonella poisoning. Very likely from fresh fruit or herbs. Watch out people, food is the worst. From now on I am only eating rice, cheetoes and chocolate.

I appreciate that this piece is pointing fingers at our culture and not the individual women who get plastic surgery - but I think it's just frustrating to be a woman today and open a magazine and not be able to find one woman without plastic surgery (I remember the old playboys my dad had with nostalgia!). From that

I am so excited! Now I must find a grocery store that stocks it....

When I read the negative comments on this I can only hear them in the voice of my extremely conservative aunt, who likes to throw around phrases like "well I never!" and "would ya get a load of this!?" and "kids these days...".

When I was in high school there was a big to-do about whether or not to include a memorial

Serious question about velveeta - I have never had it, but does it make nacho cheese? Like the kind you get at sporting events?

noooooo! I am taking my niece and nephew in two weeks. Lord help us.

I wonder if he was laughing and being sarcastic when it said it, but it comes across as very cryptic in the text. GQ probably left the quote in because it came across as 'edgy'.

More importantly - where does he get the cake mix with the candy bits? I know of what he speaks and all I can find these days is the sprinkles

How much money would it take to get these people to buy her a giant cat-tower and a can of tuna and leave her alone! I have a cat who hates attention, travel, new places, new sounds, different foods, different smells and especially hates strangers. I cannot imagine doing a press tour with her. She's also the kind of

I once accepted some kind of prescription drug from my cousin when he dropped me off at the airport. Usually xanax + a glass of red wine and I mostly sleep through the flight. Whatever he gave me was NOT xanax, though we are still arguing about it to this day. I think he may have given me ecstasy on accident (I have

Actually it's most vegetables. He eats pretty much pasta, potatoes and meat. I am always embarrassed for her. It's like being married to a picky child.

I am terrified on flying and germaphobic. I already won't take the ice cubes or blankets and bring my own headphones, I wear cotton clothes (in case of fire) and make sure I am seated toward the back but not in the very back (best survival rate in crashes). NOW I will also carry antibacterial wipes. I am the insane

my friend married a guy who shuns all green food. ALL of it. I can't even.

STOP LISTENING TO THE HATERS! Tights and peep toes are acceptable, completely acceptable. Especially in more cold-weather environments. Back in the day, like when my grandma was hitting the town, ladies never went without hose. It's vintage. It's retro. It's chic, classic, and most importantly it's okay. She is

It's kind of pathetic how bad I want to hang out with them all, get all dressed up and hit the town. Even Jason Biggs in that photo looks fun. EVEN LARRY!

Thank you kindly!

I buy like 80% of what I own on ebay, and re-sell it when I need something fresh in my closet. I hate outlets so much because of this exact thing - weird, slightly less cute clothes that still cost more than Target clothes. And so much waste!