The best part of this scandal is decoding everything!
Now - on a serious note - who has had a tattoo lasered off? Where did you go, how effective was it? I have a tattoo I am just dying to get rid of.
Really, it's lovely if you know (as I do) plenty of kind and peace-loving Muslims. However that does not change the fact that these are also real Muslims, and plenty of religious people use religion or are motivated by religion to do terrible things, just as people can be motivated by religious teachings to do good.…
Have you listened to this version? It's my jam.
Holla! And when DJ Tanner reference her on Full House I was SO EXCITED.
The comments on this are totally depressing - the Jez 'community' can be so vile sometimes. When I started reading in 2008 the comment community was little and lots of fun - very funny, lots of anecdote-swapping and actually lead to a couple IRL friendships. Come on folks, stop searching subtext of every freekin thing…
Aww my sister had a dry wedding. She was on a tight budget and her husband's family are Mormon and our family are Irish Catholic so she worried that it would be weird if we were all roaring drunk and his side were just like mulling around the punch bowl. At the time I was so annoyed - I told her that she was being…
Animals are basically the best. I have been sick with stomach flu all week and my cat has been at my side, hissing at anyone passing by the house. When my other cat comes she let's him take over and goes for her naps. It's very strange and sweet. My boy cat though doesn't seem to realise he is on duty - he mostly…
It was always my dream to go on this show. My cousin and I would quiz our other cousins to see who was worthy to make our team. He passed away 3 years ago and I think maybe the time has come to form the dream team in his honor - I mean, if this lady got through it I am sure we'll manage! Also, no more having to kiss…
I'd babysit for you! I make half that!
I didn't even watch the series growing up but the finale has a special place in my heart. I was a freshman in college and things had gotten off to a rough start socially. I had this group of girls I really liked, but was just getting to know them. Over dinner the day before they were lamenting having to watch the…
HAHAHA - I was on a ferry with my husband and we hit choppy waters for like an hour. Everyone was vomiting, including people at our table. He was eating a bacon sandwich he had packed himself for the ferry ride. It was ridiculous.
My husband and I are from two different countries! I was so excited though because it was our one opportunity to bring everyone together. We basically made it a 3-day event plus we invited everyone to come camping with us instead of a traditional honeymoon. People spent thousands to come and I won't ever forget it, it…
Winter is quite pretty. I quite like it!
I used to babysit for this little girl who was 6 with CP, she was in a chair so needed to be lifted in and out of bed etc. The family had a little ritual every night, mom gave her a bath then rubbed lotion on her and dressed her in jammies on the floor of the tv room, then call dad and he would come in, stomp his feet…
I am so disappointed we are not friends - I cannot get my friends to watch this show with me, let alone search for subtext!
My mom goes by Betsy - she's in her 50's. I was planning on naming my daughter after her for years (early feminist memory - asking mom why boys are named after their dads, but girls are not usually named after dads), but I actually think Betsy is on the verge of getting popular again!
It was amazing...except that it was sort of...pointed. I would love to hear from anyone who has seen the real deal, because every once in a while my dreams are somewhat accurate.