
Wait - so she's not with BJ Novak any more? NOOOOOO.

I had the best sex dream of my life with Elijah Wood, and a very intense second with Aziz Ansari. I can't look at them now without grinning.

I did the same thing - gave them a range of colors and left it up to everyone! I had a big bridal party, and with the range of ages/body types plus the large group matching dresses would never have worked anyways! I paid for dresses for anyone who had to travel a long distance (4 of them came from overseas), and

Can't we all just get along? And collectively agree it's the vegans & paleo folk who deserve the collective wrath.

If I had it to do-over again here is what I would have done differently:

1. Bridesmaids - include everyone you want with you on the day, exclude anyone who will be useless/dramatic, even if it's going to be difficult to cut them. Don't worry about the number, even if it seems like too many or too few. Just imagine who

Sorry - I didn't think when I posted that, I actually think I'll remove it because I worded it hastily. I should say that I am American-born but lived in Ireland for many years, and even in Dublin sometimes felt it was a challenge because it is overall more conservative than the city I grew up in, and after spending

I love those Dixi Chicks so freekin much. Natalie's voice is just awesome, and then there is fiddling - and everyone knows fiddle music is where it's at. Okay maybe they don't realise it, but trust me, fiddle=party tune. Growing up in a hip-hop saturated high school, with the occasional hard-rocker rebelling against

For a time my husband and I considered a move to Belfast - but it didn't take statistics for us to see it was too conservative for me. They vote more conservatively, and in many cases the Catholic/Protestant divide has had the effect we see in many countries that experience conflict of putting women's issues and LGTB

Once I was on a train and a cat peeped out of a woman's purse. When she saw I noticed she said, "I'm staying over at my boyfriend's, she hates being alone overnight". I thought it was adorable.

Hipster alert.

This Writer Takes on His Critics With HISTORY...and you won't believe your eyes when you see how he does it!

I totally forgot about pizza lunchables until this very minute and now I MUST HAVE ONE. My babysitter used to buy them for us as a treat. The sauce was the best. All of it was the best.

There was a study on nationality and penis size some time ago, and I think the conclusion was that in some cases there is correlation between average size and race, but mostly the difference in average size is very slight. And there is truth to the whole 'shower vs. grower' thing, ie. the smaller they are when flaccid

I lived in Dublin for 6 years and usually we made a point of going somewhere in the city that would be deserted and enjoying ourselves while the tourists could have the vomit-soaked city centre. 2008 was different though. A visiting friend really wanted to go out. So after much bribery and convincing I had about 10

Okay, give me a minute to compose myself because "baby gay" made me LOL.

Sorry if I came across that way - we're probably just projecting onto each other here. I think (thanks to my slow internet) I was unable to load additional comments and maybe would not have even commented if I had realised a conversation was

Sexuality can be performative or useful even when it's not being utilised by bisexuals. Being angry about this might not be worth your time - I think trying to dictate how women should express their sexuality is about as useful as dictating how women should present their bodies, or their personalities. Sometimes what

There was an episode where he gets a little teary about a cat's progress, and explains that to him the cat represented all the shelter cats who were so aggressive and stressed out no one wanted them - and he'd finally managed to save one. I was a puddle of tears. I have two cats, one of them is a little stress-ball

I would not mind one bit if they kicked all the male cast members off the show and made a real-life 'The Girly Show'. Well, but maybe hang onto Taran Killam.

I just don't get why people like Lena Dumham - am I missing something? I mean, she's just like this white girl who plays a white girl with white friends on tv, and that's just not a thing I identify with, because I have like 6 black friends. Also she needs to start wearing more flattering clothes, seriously, she's

  • Picking at my skin ("stop picking at your skin")