
Oh my goodness I LOVE HER. We actually left Dublin 6 months ago for California (I was not suited to the climate!). I also found making friends really challenging (how long have you been there? It took me 3 years before I found my first close friend). I am going to be in Dublin for 1-2 months this summer though living

YOU GUYS, BLACK PUDDING IS GOOOOOOD. Trust me. I lived in Ireland for 7 years. I resisted and resisted, then one day my boyfriend said to me "I am going to make you something to fix your hangover" and he brought unto me a sandwich, consisting of a french roll, fried black pudding and a condiment called "onion

She's non-too-pleased with this sacrifice business.

I really want to hit 100 - and this lady, with all the eating and sleeping and squats, is an inspiration!

I recently re-watched season two, and maybe this says something about me and my husband, I found the Andy-April romance overwhelmingly wonderful. They were so awkward at first, then.....perfection.

Oh, wait, are we the same person? I have an Irish husband. We have two cats - Spideog Rua and Fiach Dubh (red robin, black raven). They just go by their first names, or a variety of nicknames we have provided them. One day we want to get a rescue greyhound or whippet too - I consider them the most cat-like or dogs,

why Rua? Is your dog red? I love the name! It's my cat's middle name!

We got a dog when I was 10, the shelter had a 24-hour hold policy, so after we picked out "Tinker" we went home and came back the following day. When we arrived an older couple was being told the dog was already adopted, it turned out they had fallen in love with him too just after we finished our paperwork, and

So I have known not one but TWO men who talked about having to be circumcised later in life due to a painful thing called something like balanitis where the skin on the penis becomes taut. One experienced this during his teen years and the whole thing was traumatic, to say the least. Also I have heard circumcision

Live your dream, woman! And tomatoes are amazing and you'll never know the joy of a ripe tomato and avocado sandwich on sourdough bread! Also, Italy will not welcome you. Oh - also while I do not like haggis I was converted to black pudding while in Ireland. When I was hungover my husband would make this sandwich that

Dear Tracie - please never stop covering the Duggers. Ever. -Faithful reader since 2008

I feel so conflicted every time I read these posts. I am simultaneously amused and annoyed - picky eaters are my pet peeve! My sister and I both were told growing up that the most rude and obnoxious thing in the world was to reject food served to you in a gracious manner - our dad was raised in rural Louisiana and had

Ugh. I am considering going to the doctor tomorrow because my cat bit me three days ago and it's still quite swollen. He is the DUMBEST cat in history - he accidentally bit me because my hand was in his food bag while I was feeding him and he simply bit into the side of the bag. I screamed and he ran, then came back

the conditioner from this brand is AWESOME. I'll try this as well....

First season was actually pretty awesome, and a little more 'adult'. References were made to Jesse's sex life, Joey had a mannequin who was dressed exactly like him at all times, and tiny baby Michelle was an amazing actress....

I donno - and maybe you should come have brunch with my mom and I so we can all speculate about this together! See, I initially though that there was a definite possibility that if one or more were gay they would indeed just marry - and of course the way the courtships work you don't have any physical intimacy before

These I took on my walk today:

Are we gonna be those assholes?

I am so weirdly obsessed with the Duggers! It all started because my mom and I would watch them and make fun of them together when I was visiting home - now we can't get enough. She's sure 2 of the kids are going to identify as gay and wants to offer them my old bedroom when they have to run away! Good luck Jemima and

Oh sorry I didn't connect your comment in the thread to the original. Best of luck - I have two adopted aunts, 2 adopted cousins AND my parent's fostered and considered adoption twice (in both instances family members decided to raise the kids, and it worked well for everyone) - so I am familiar with the process