
Same reason indie kids get ultra-defensive when you imply they like a band that could be considered mainstream: they feel like they paid their dues and stuck with the band in their darkest years, and now that the band's mainstream and accepted, they're up to their necks in people who just jumped onto the bandwagon

"No, dammit, you're not going anywhere until you answer my question: Are you cosplaying as the Barbara Gordon-Batgirl or Cassandra Cain-Batgirl? I mean, you OBVIOUSLY love the comics, so this should be an easy one for a REAL GEEK GIRL like you, right?"

"Bro, who's that stuffy British guy? Isn't that Michael Caine from Batman? Who? Jarvis? You mean the computer voice from Iron Man? No, no... bro, I've seen all of the Marvel movies and THAT is not Jarvis. Got 'em all on Blu-Ray and shit, woulda caught that shit. Trust."

Just putting this comment here without affiliation, but dear Christ almighty. This goddamn fucking conversation is making my head hurt.

The gameplay video certainly looks nice, but the action that's on display here seems somewhat superficial. Strider seems to just soak up bullets, which is in stark contrast to the highly-mobile glass cannon paradigm of the previous Strider games, and his moves all appear pretty button mashy (combos without consequence

Kro's Nest? To each his own, I guess. They're good for pre-gaming what with cheap beer and pizza, but the best pizza in Beijing has to be The Tree. The last time I went to Kro's Nest, I got a real frat-boy expat vibe from it.

Right, that's why I used that example of someone bashing an artist's work solely because it's a "rip-off" (ie. has a color palette similar to Brom's work) or whatever loose reasoning they use to justify their comment. At least this guy was respectful enough, and he's entitled to his opinion.

I think in any art-focused post on any non-concept art enthusiast site, there will always be "that guy."

Hey Luke, thanks a bunch for sharing this art with us, but I'm probably not alone here in saying that I didn't catch the NSFW tag until after scrolling down.

How long did you sit on your bed breathlessly stroking your life-sized hug pillow before pouncing to unleash this innovative and wholly original sick burn?

Hear, hear. I especially liked the fact that *SPOILER*

I sometimes have difficulty in determining when and how certain Asian male celebrities are considered good-looking. There are some obviously handsome celebrities (Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Daniel Wu, Tadonobu Asano, Storm Shadow from the GI Joe movies), but the rest I'm often dumbfounded at the screaming

There was some clunkiness, but damn, the potential of that game. Even as I chuckled at enemies unable to find my Thorton because of his shadow-mist ninja powers, I still had a blast with every waking minute of that game.

From what I understand, Christianity has a pretty strong foothold in South Korea. I don't think it's single-handedly religion (although that plays a huge part), but rather how poor American society is at truly separating church and state.


Famicom, Game Boy, Super Famicom, Genesis, Playstation, Game Boy Color, Playstation 2, NDS, PSP, Xbox 360, PS3

I literally (and I mean it in the correct sense, which is I "almost") gasped as my eyes went all wide and shiny. Klei Entertainment is quickly becoming one of my favorite developers, and this game sounds fucking amazing. I absolutely cannot wait.

System Shock 2.... Whoa, whoa, shhhhhhh. I know, keep it down.

This, so much this.

Great catch. I seriously forgot about the Ministry song, and the Autechre track sounds awesome. Thanks!