
Brilliant deduction, chaps

I might be a phillistine, but I can't imagine scallop tasting good with peas. Something about the squishy-yet-firm tenderness of scallop mixed with the mushiness of peas seems a little off. Um, the Digg reader looks pretty cool.

Stop it, just stop it. I read the Cracked article, and it does bring up good points, but they're points of observation meant for conversation and not some closing, universalized statement that wraps up some kind of hypothetical analysis arguing for gaming as the ultimate form of artistic expression. Games' most

Yup, very underrated. I think it's not his skills that don't get love, but rather his presence and personality. Black Thought is a gifted emcee, but he kind of takes a second-banana role (as everyone else does in the band) to ?uestlove, who is more or less the unofficial "face" of the band.

That statement is objective truth.

Also considering it's during the summer, where sweat levels go unchecked. Combine that with the aforementioned throngs of people and the poor ventilation, and it's a wonderful combination that leads to what can only be described as "gamer musk".

I think the more disturbing aspect of this video that seems to have been glossed over is that Reddit now has physical ombudsmen (or women, pardon) and spokespeople to represent their 'brand', it seems. When the fuck did this start happening and who thought it would be a good idea to do this?

When the people keep saying, "lol 3DS/Vita is doomed", they're talking about the potential of quality games with a considerably lower cost of entry appearing on mobile when more control options are unveiled and more widely "democratized" to a much larger audience. Seriously, how many people do you know that own an

"Hey Johnny."

The worst I saw by far was hardcore players on the Source mod "Insurgency". People with thick Southern accents howling "Check your fire", "Tango Spotted", and "LZ is hot" with no irony. I am by no means a griefer, but playing dumb with these folks was a simple but joyous affair.

That really sucks. How long were you at the studio for? Hopefully you've found your way into a much better environment.

I don't want to repeat what's already been said over and over again, but today's the anniversary of D-Day. The timing for this trailer is admittedly bad timing on Bethesda's part, but surely gaming websites don't need to follow their example?

Agreed. A lot of these points Siegel makes are obvious, but they bear repeating. As is often the case, it's usually the people in charge that can't follow the advice they try to impart upon their employees.

u mad?

Said the person who called it "rap" and then proceeded to over-generalize something he/she knew very little about, save some rudimentary, surface-value straw man examples.

We're probably listening to different artists, then. Either way, you seem to have a much more acute understanding of an artform you claim to hate than I do, so I won't dispute you there.

What does this mean? Sheeva and Nilin: "They're both black only on paper."

What if I'm drunk AND have a deep-seated appreciation for unintentional comedy?

No, you're right in your assessment of Dyack's negative impact on a project. My original point was that in game development, it's very difficult to hide the involvement of either a prominent creative lead or any other creative. Take one look at NeoGAF forums and the whirlwind of information in there; any kind of

It is! The amount of wordplay, double entendres, puns, and internal rhyme schemes takes a lot of skill to pull off, doubly so when freestyling. The only reason emcees don't get more recognition for their skill is because they don't feel the need to be pedantic in describing their craft.