
I think the hardest part is that we haven't come to a definition as to what "next generation" is supposed to look like and we haven't trained our expectations to match the blurriness of that definition. Consider all of the graphical options that have become standardized, like hi-definition ambient occlusion and a

Typically, the TF2 items do show up in the game later, but you either have to grind for them or pay money for each individual item. Hate to say it, but the pre-order is the quickest and most hassle-free method to get all these chotchkies.

There might've been some unintentional hubris in that statement, I agree with that, but I do think there's validity to the rest of Kirk's article. Even above-average reviews can make or break a high-profile game's success, especially in a period when a good amount of triple-A games are being released and the potential

Oh yeah, when I called my grandmother during Spring Festival, I had to be extremely careful in the office and say the correct pronunciation (which no one does) of "na-ge". It was like if I said "you-aych" every time instead of "uh" in English. Awkward.

Great article, Luke. I'm totally there. When I was working in banking, I looked forward to new 1UP podcasts because that meant I had a entire slew of audio to entertain me while I crunched numbers. They became such treasured belongings that I started carefully rationing new podcasts to avoid blowing my figurative load

I recently bought a house with my wife and I sold off eight long-boxes of comic books to a) help pay for furniture and b) free up space in our house. By doing so, I inadvertently set back the medium by about 20 years. My mom called us early in the morning screaming about how it was all over the news, and "what have

No Harlem Shake. Fail.

Seinfeld was very funny. This is pretty much the opposite of funny.

I think it's just extremely unfunny because the use of Seinfeld characters feels so arbitrary and out of place.

Oh hell naw


If you fell off of your horse, you'd be liquified upon touching the ground.

Yep, this right there. I think it definitely signifies some kind of tangible passion towards gaming as a whole, if the project creator embraces not just their own project, but the core conceit of what Kickstarter should mean for people passionate about games development.

I completely agree with what you said about concept art not equaling proof of concept, but I definitely also agree with your statement about your "nitpick". Strangely enough, I share your sentiment and I will always click on the project creator's profile to see what they've donated to. If theirs is a new account, most

If someone were forced to use a tennis ball to go bowling, and then said, "man, it's really hard to knock down pins with a tennis ball," would you tell them to stop complaining and get some skill? Because that's basically what you did there.

Great job reigniting the fires of that whole "sexism in games" debate as tactlessly as possible. I haven't read the interview you referred, but then again, it's pretty clear you ignore the rest of the interview because the quoted segment was the only context needed for the purpose of this article. In doing so, you

Nuts? Poop? Keep going, you're onto something.

Sorry if I come off as if I'm bristling for an e-fight, not my intention :/

I'm starting to get the feeling that you're trolling, but I'll bite.

That's what happens when you spend $400 on a case.