
He doesn't just like his 3DS, he loves it. He lurves it. That's why—hey, don't look now, but it's now the best gaming machine out there. And it's his opinion, so it's all good and everything.

Understood. My point is that he posits an opinion but then does nothing to back it up. I have no doubt the 3DS is a great system, but his criteria for what makes a great system are far too broad and could be applied to the PC as well, which is what Stephen's response was specifically referring to and I was

I agree with all of that, definitely! Also, I think we need to stop enabling Squeenix's insane monetization schemes on iOS, but that's just a personal opinion.

The 3DS looks more and more enticing by the minute, so I do appreciate the content of this article as someone who is contemplating picking up a 3DS XL. What some of us (judging by some comments) don't appreciate is the all-encompassing nature of this article's title. You made a case for the 3DS "coming together quite

We're on PCs right now, but we're not gaming because of jobs and all that.

Yeah, I don't think you backed up your reasoning at all there.

I'm on board with the project. Let me know if you need an ideas man.

Because literally no one has mentioned this, mods.

Which PC exclusive games are you referring to? There are a lot of indie titles exclusively on PC thanks to Steam that don't have insane visuals because they're indie.

I don't know about that. I think the "if" in your statement is a really big if. Unless there is a top-down integration of gamification throughout all sectors of "grown-up" society, I can't imagine people that have heretofore relied on badges and achievements, or whatever arbitrary construct, to have any kind of

That explains a lot, actually.

Your an idiot if you don't think Tina Tina is racist. I bet you have tons of friends that talk like her with that fake-ass gangsta slang, huh? You mad?

Bear in mind that this is the same company that also has the following game names to their credit:

Hopefully this version of the game doesn't contain that racist character Tiny Tina.

I completely disagree with your statement on a moral standpoint, but I kinda have a feeling that I agree with you on a broader spectrum. I'm putting on my uniform to state the obvious. My rank is Captain:

Yup, was just about to say that. It is EA we're talking about, after all.

Have you seen the new BlackBerry? It's really amazing.

I agreed with the statement, but not in the way you meant it. I think the article title holds true in that it does reflect (to some degree) the shooter "zeitgeist" of gaming. That's kind of true. What I cannot agree with is the article inferring that this is somehow a betrayal of fan expectations. It's a box cover,

Normally, I'd agree with you, but the reality of it all is that we live in an era where trainwrecks are so readily accessible and abundant, telling people not to look at something for its inappropriateness would only result in even more views. The fine (and very savvy) people at Kotaku know this fact, resulting in

I agree with this 100%. Very well said. It's pretty clear that Tiffany requires some kind of professional counseling to work her through her issues, which is not that big of a deal as society sometimes makes it out to be. However, the fact that she is so defensive on her tumblr and twitter (which has since gone