
Not “In the tank” so much as snorkeling way down at the bottom of it, collecting pearls for failed Democratic nominee Bernie Sanders.

You know, Native Americans and their “Earth magic” while European wizards were the ones smart enough to make wands.

I think Saffi_451 got it right:

My understanding is that Lampreys are pretty delicious. Maybe we should put their population to culinary uses.

Well.... I think the problem is you made a political values statement which has very little to do with what makes a good movie. I could lament that there aren’t enough movies about kids who are interested in economics, or about people who are vegetarians, or former soldiers, or drug addicts, etc. And in each example I

Concise summary of just about ever Dr. Who episode.

These are HORRIBLE to remove. It’s a great charger for slim profile, but once you have one in, you have to be careful getting them out. The plastic is flimsy and after a few removals will probably break.

These are HORRIBLE to remove. It’s a great charger for slim profile, but once you have one in, you have to be

How about: Android is very easy to use and many people are already familiar with it from using their phones, so it’s a lot more accessible to install Android than it is to learn a completely foreign linux distro (most folks don’t even know what ‘distro’ means btw).

So other than banning them on airplanes, which I get due to the batteries etc, why are we banning these again? Seriously. I mean, you can be bumped into or knocked down by someone walking too (happens all the time in NYC), and it seems like introducing a max speed would be more reasonable. Why are we banning them?

Similar research globally has yielded much the same data. Again, your hypothesis here is that the government dictates the outcome of this report by providing the funding for the basic research that helps inform it. The problem being that the research is fairly consistent regardless of the position of any given

I’m not closed minded. I spent a lot of time in France and quite like the culture and the music. This particular piece does nothing for the video. It’s poorly matched.

This would have been a lot easier to watch if they’d removed the music.

Oh, so what you’re saying is that the government decides what everyone should eat and then grants funds to all the nutrition researchers in the entire world with the agreement that all their research should confirm whatever the government decided. Did I get that right? And it probably works the same for global warming

Not me, been using hangouts as a one stop. Would like to keep it that way.

So you’re saying J.J. Abrams made a movie that was a little darker than its source material?

Do you have kids?

I do think the use of “lightsaber in space” in this and other articles is pandering clickbate. And lazy clickbate to boot.

It’s works pretty well. Just don’t put a cap on the value of each present (gold, incense and myrrh are all pricey) and you can do group collections for a few “big” gifts. Plus it just makes a great story / idea and is easy to explain to family members and friends.

3 —- To parallel the Christmas Story.