
Shut up, Grimey.

Thank you for linking these tweets from what appear to be senior leadership in the Austin, Texas studio as well as tweets from CIG employees from Los Angeles and England. That definitely dispels any doubt that the senior leadership of the Austin, Texas studio and elsewhere is to blame.

Homer Simpson is exactly what’s wrong with America: he coasts through life without a care in the world, while other people have to pick up the slack. People like me. He’s a fraud. A total fraud.

I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.

Star Citizen...Let me tell you what the real issue is with Star Cit-

Yeah... it would be a real shame if Star Citizen’s release were delayed by a week.

And also, a little bit, fuck all of us for reading tabloids (or the blogs that reprint tabloid gossip & pics). 

Well... I don’t know what bands you’ve heard or what your taste is, but that’s pretty hard to believe. I wouldn’t grade them any higher than “typical indie rock” and it’s easy to forget that they exist, but I question your objectivity.

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you

Allan McDonald was one of my heroes. While he wasn’t able to stop the launch, he spoke up, and when the heat was on, he spoke up again.

Feel like you’re seriously underestimating the cat.

I was un-gray on The Glow Up for one month, and then I misspelled Maiysha’s name one too many times.

The stuff about Archie was awful, but I got a visceral shiver when she said her passport, dl licence, credit cards, and keys were taken away from her when she married. That's Saudi level. Why? 


You might want to recalibrate your sarcasm detector.

[cops] issued a statement saying Davis’s family is “devastated by the possibility that nobody will be held accountable for his murder.”

I was outside a Rolex store once and I took a picture of a watch in the window.

Hours of police time wasted on this because the cops literally had nothing better to do than harass three Black men and they have to justify their existence somehow.

Making it even worse is that if you’re within $100, you win both showcases. So she not only barely lost her prizes, she barely missed out on winning both sets of prizes, which according to my quick math, would have added up to around $60,000 in stuff.