
All the butt-hurt racist asshats trying to make the excuse that you don’t touch someone else bike are making a lame-ass argument.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the boy was sitting on his bike outside of a Starbucks with his friends in Park Ridge. He moved the bike of Vitellaro’s son out of his way, which the sergeant saw as attempted theft.

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Daniel Radcliffe all over again.

There are lots of racist parents coaching and sending their kids to do stuff like this just to get a reaction from the other party. Then they will claim you did something to their kid and they only reacted poorly.

Im native and it’s infuriating...they have no irony thinking they’ll be victims of genocide when it’s exactly what they’ve done/are doing for centuries all over the world to other peoples. #reddeal #landback

I came to the comments to talk shit but after seeing he doesn’t really blame anyone but himself, I can’t really hate on the guy. Was it stupid? yes. Did he acknowledge it was stupid and he didn’t have a clue what he was doing? Also yes. 

I’d bet being strapped in much tighter helps too. A contributing factor to this injury was likely that he lifted off the seat some in the air, so not only did the truck hit hard, but he slammed back down in his seat with a lot more leeway for things to have pressure in the wrong places.

Well, I am honestly impressed with his candor and admission that there’s no one to blame but himself. Here’s to good healing.

It does add value. Just not for the reader.

Jared Leto is the reason why I don’t want to see Morbius.

Holy shit is Elden Ring out? Since when? Why haven’t there been articles about it?

That’s not how acronyms work, at all. The pronunciation comes from the letters, not the original words.

Most people probably don’t even know it’s even an acryonym, let alone what for.  So that’s a weak argument.

A game that requires an internet connection even for single player mode is a total no-go for me. This is just stupid.

I think that this is pretty brave given how a lot right wing movements have a propensity for violence 

In the wake of the Kyoto Animation tragedy, game companies and Japanese authorities have shown zero tolerance for such threats”

737 pilot checking in. I saw the video on Gizmodo; something went seriously wrong. 737 NGs (and yes, MAX jets too) are good jets. Catastrophic compounding problems and/or someone on board wanted this to happen is all I can think of. This happening in China to a Chinese airline, I doubt we’ll ever know what actually

Ongoing harassment and stalking of his ex-wife, disclosing where his kids go to school, open threats to others, posting clips of animations of his killing another as another threat.. Then racist comments that finally gets him suspended for 24 hours.. Apparently threatening to kill someone, stalking, harassment wasn’t

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