
I’m glad someone else noticed. One is International Beverage. Good job everyone!

There are some truly amazing people in history. The obstacles that both women and people of colour encounter at every step today are already enough of a challenge. Each year another batch of “firsts” are achieved, demonstrating how the systems that hold people are deeply entrenched. Overcoming these social restraints

This article is exhausting. It’s exhausting to think that people are out there willing disavowing a victim who came forward, as soon as they make the tiniest slip of the tongue. How do the kind, tolerant people of the world have any chance of winning over the bigots if this is all it takes?

So has the woman who entered the enclosure (or her family) sent a thank you to the jaguar for not killing her? It would have been so easy for the jaguar to kill her.

“Culturally Jewish” is a gross term I hadn’t considered until now, but immediately understood when you said it. Appropriating a belief system is so gross.

Of course his employee page is gone now (dead link).

I gave you 30 years of my fucking career!”

These designs are pure aesthetic comedy these days. If it weren’t for the tire, I wouldn’t know what part of the car I was looking at.

Thanks for the great article.

Now playing

The exact moment I stopped thinking Kyrie was as good as his reputation implied, was this play:

I have no idea why anyone would overlook the order of photos/descriptions in an article. Feels so lazy and is frustrating since I also don’t know everyone’s name.

I can’t wait until everyone stops caring about James Harden.

I really enjoyed Black Panther and, even then, the costumes were one of the best parts.

...you’ve probably wondered what kind of asshole would actually pay to have one installed in their house. Well, today you have your answer: Donald Drumpf is that kind of asshole.

I already posted in the Deadspin article about how I want more than just this one person to pay for the crimes against this woman, but if there is a single thing that gives me hope that this wretched asshole never achieves his dreams:

1. I still hate how difficult it is to get to the comment section for these videos, when I see them in the main blog feed.

Holy shit, look at these quality takes!

I’m sure this soldier signed up for a mission to keep children safe, which would be admirable in the rare case that he’s in the right place to do so. I’m not sure anyone who signs up for this job has actually thought it all the way through though. Someone armed with weaponry like that is being asked to do one thing:

This is infuriating. I want them to drag every single goddamn student and staff member who knew of that video through court and have them admit to their involvement. This needs to become part of their lives again in the way it has been for Taylor. If she’s ready to talk about what happened, not just the rape but the

The NBC article indicates that all three students were expelled in some manner: