What a shithole country.
What a shithole country.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Jeff Sessions.
Part of me wants him to join and speak up with all of the other Parkland survivors. This is someone who thought in the moment, “What can I do to prevent more loss of life” and took action. I think his instincts are a powerful symbol of the goodness in people.
Citizenship isn’t a prerequisite to join the military? So they’ll give anyone capable enough a deadly weapon to kill foreign targets, but you can’t live within the borders? I clearly don’t understand anything anymore.
#ThoughtsAndPrayers: My official hashtag for people I don’t actually care about.
Yeah, it was a standard that I really enjoyed during my road trip in South Africa. Definitely gives a great sense of cooperation when in a foreign place.
If this isn’t meme material, I don’t know what is.
That last line is goddamn amazing.
I wouldn’t call this holding her responsible for his behaviour. I would call this shining a light on the hypocritical, double-standard she grants her father.
Is there another video with that text quote? Otherwise that is a pretty inaccurate transcript.
I think it’s pretty cool. The spoiler/diffuser elements seem unnecessary, but apart from that I think it’s an appropriately wild looking idea for a future vehicle.
I’ve played Rock Band 3 as recently as yesterday!
I think you are selling addiction (and is other cases, simple stupidity) short by assuming that one cannot start getting drunk after they start their car.
There is an article floating around the network of sites today about Niki Minaj’s brother being tried (convicted?) of having sex with a minor. I wasn’t sure why, in that case, she had to be identified as his sister in the headline either.
Here’s a good warmup
Thanks for posting. I have zero respect for both the 45th president of the United States, and for “journalists” that write sensationalist bullshit.
... clearly that diverse congregation is the best fit for “a family like yours.” I wish they could see it’s the best fit for their white family, too.
Wow, as of my vote: 6208 votes, at it’s perfectly 50-50.
Men aren’t mind readers
...and when I started worrying about whether I was catching feelings I cut off all physical contact with her (no hugs, no sitting next to her, etc) to make sure nothing would happen accidentally.