Great looking car. Getting a bit sick of poor photoshops though. The shadow the trees throw is ⅓ their height. The shadow the Challenger throws is more than its height
Totally agree
I name my dogs and children, but not my cars!
Renaultsport Megane 265 - with Evo four wheel drive. That would be mega
I just need them to build a Porsche version of the VW Amorak they can sell in the U.S. so we can finally get some small truck love.
From Pontiac to RAM with no Porsche in between. Travesty
Oh thanks Michael. Now you've set off my 928 WANT again
That is super cool. Well done Patrick
Would have just bounced off a Saab
Here in the UK on our congested roads roundabouts are the last bastion of fun…
Neutral: Any Automaker More Enthusiast-Focused Than Mazda? Maybe Porsche?