More specifically it's for people who wanted an Audi but their husband bought them a Porsche
More specifically it's for people who wanted an Audi but their husband bought them a Porsche
Yes but that's the Porsche for people who don't buy Porsche because it's Porsche
Nuclear would be preferable to diesel. This is Porsche for crying out loud
Did you not already publish these photos? They're official Porsche shots of the Macan undergoing final testing prior to launch. I thought the rear looked unfinished but it's the same as in those shots from DRIVR. Here's one from the set:
Adaptive cruise control is utterly brilliant if the system works properly and if you use it in the right conditions. Volvo, Mercedes and Infiniti make the best systems. I drove a Volvo V60 with it fitted and drove in horrible conditions for hours using ACC. It's a real right foot saver when traffic is a PITA
5 is ace. The rest are weird!
I think he tried to push too far too fast and spent money the company didn't have. He was extravagant, whilst Lotus is inherently conservative. They could expand if they wanted, but don't seem to want to. They like the smallness, the handbuilt nature, the flexible production lines, the obsession with lightness and…
Any on of those would do. I was at Lotus last week. They're still recovering from the Bahar troubles. Didn't have a Christmas party last year the mood was so bad. They do this year though!
You left Porsche out. So far in 2013 £1.6 billion profit on 119,747 deliveries worldwide, of which 52% were Cayennes.
A serious, engaging and informative article on Jalopnik? Hurrah! Good stuff PG. Incidentally I noticed you said nice things about the Wankel. Rotary fanatics are like Alfa fans and Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. Never, ever cross them
Yeah OK there is that
What a daft bugger. All that prep and he could have driven a standard A8 for 800 miles, just as Clarkson did in this episode of Top Gear
This is the weirdest collection of comments after any article ever. But I like them!
Even a super bike that does 220mph only has 6 gears
Haha. No I haven't. Was only being half serious but you chaps are quite protective of the Mustang!
I've no idea! I've driven plenty of 8-speeds and you don't even use the top two unless cruising at illegal speeds