It's no secret that the Model S is a very impressive performer. Maybe it was just trying to compete with Ferrari in the wrong ways.
It's no secret that the Model S is a very impressive performer. Maybe it was just trying to compete with Ferrari in the wrong ways.
Agreed! I hate ties. Weddings and funerals only. The guy does look like a scarecrow though. In the UK we say, "You're mum dresses you funny"
Burning money is never dull. This is the KLF burning £1million back in 1994. Bloody idiots
Neutral: What Did Enthusiasts Get Right/Wrong? What cars did enthusiasts beg for that succeeded? What cars failed?
Didn't hear Mike Patton in there. I'm presuming FNM Mike Patton....?
I've been flamed so much for that I'm glad someone finally agrees!
There's a chap lives down the road from me who has no hands. Two years ago he was staggering home from the pub, drunk as a skunk. He was crossing the railway and collapsed in a drunken stupor - with his arms outstretched above his head, wrists on the railway line.
I did a straw poll on Oppo and Twitter a while back and asked if people would rather have a McLaren F1 or Bugatti Veyron. 90% of people preferred the McLaren.
I went to the Nurburgring a few years ago (did a 10 minute lap in my Golf V6!). Of the 2 days were were there it was closed for roughly 50% of the time due to crashes. We saw the aftermath of a few which were mainly damaged cars and upset drivers. However the worst involved bikes. Bikes and cars mix on the 'ring…
Well said, sir
Bernard Cribbins in Doctor Who
Looks good, aide from the slightly shit name. Is it pronounced b-a-ss as in the fish or b-a-se as in the four stringed geeetar?
Eyelashes. Nothing else. Just eyelashes
GTA the Movie would be a better starting point
Basically, the car was getting hot because I was driving like a jackass, not because of some sort of Italian supercar shortcoming. When you don't drive the car like a 12-year old, it's totally reliable. Thing is, this car wants you to drive it like a 12-year old, and that's probably why you see pictures of Lambos…
Oooh might have to try that on the configurator
No, it wasn't. The entire correspondence with Lotus has been lovely
Why thank you sir. Most appreciated