Plus the ultimate betrayal that was the common pre-cat failure.
Plus the ultimate betrayal that was the common pre-cat failure.
Because back doors.
I bought an ‘03 and drove it home, in rush hour, having never driven stick before, with no co-pilot to guide me. It was a disaster.
Tan is the color you get because the dealer couldn’t get it off his lot and sold it for $2,500 less than every desirable-colored car.
That’s for Earnest clients, or people who are looking to refinance their debt. Doctor’s salaries begin low while they’re in residency, then escalate quite rapidly once they begin practicing. The Atlantic did a piece if you want more reading on the subject.
We’re in a similar boat, with a midsize and a crossover (2005 Malibu and 2012 Soul, neither of which are something I’d purchase again but one was my wife’s from before we were together, and the other was basically free.) The Malibu is arguably more than I need, since it’s primary (and nearly only) use is transporting…
Bingo, according to this article from the Washington Post, 81% of the assets seized in the US under civil forfeiture since 2007 were taken from people that weren’t charged with anything, civil or criminal.
Reminiscent of one of my favorite magazine articles of all time.
Ha my brother had the same thing in his early 00's Prizm. So stupid but so much fun.
They really missed the opportunity for the onelinewednesday hashtag.
That was my first thought as well, but perhaps it relates to poli sci majors (or anyone interested in politics, really) and is trying to get them relevant exposure to the way real-world elections need to be run, complete with campaign contribution/spending disclosures. If so, it’s better real world exposure than I got…
The coaches being moved to a different gym, often out of state, reeked big time of the Catholic Church scandal.
It is, which makes this effort more pathetic. Most likely an attempt to silence a teenager because they can’t afford the litigation, commonly known as SLAPP.
Funny you say it’s all product placement, because that’s what it seems to me is specifically at the heart of Edd’s leaving. One of my favorite things Edd does is rebuild worn parts rather than just replacing them, but the studio will get a lot more money throwing TEIN COILOVERS™ on a car than they will plugging a new…
Here we have Penny the driver.
Brindle Cairns are the best! I have two myself.
The amount that consumers pay would rise by a very negligible amount with a rise in wages for those picking the produce. If they can sell fruit for $1 a pound, with profits built in for the retailer, usually a truck carrier to get it to the store, a warehouse to store it in, often a produce reseller before the…
Wow that’s a good price for a manual 3er wagon. Hard to find those under $5k. Interior has some nicks, and it’s hard to tell if there’s any rust over the right rear wheel, but even with that I’d vote it a NP.
Is there something particularly comfortable about the raglan sleeves?
Is there something particularly comfortable about the raglan sleeves?