Okay, Melvil Dewey. How does your organizational method ensure your books are read more frequently? Is a messy looking bookcase a sign of literacy? Very 827.9!
Okay, Melvil Dewey. How does your organizational method ensure your books are read more frequently? Is a messy looking bookcase a sign of literacy? Very 827.9!
Just noticed something...Trump must not have liked to conduct meetings on the couches. Look at how many guest seats he had in front of the desk. I can only guess he viewed this as a power move.
This Is The Next USPS Mail Truck
Ok guys, sorry, codfangler says no more credits. shut it all down.
I’d be curious to know how many individuals earning under $30,000 a year, fewer adjustments, have ever considered even used EVs.
I’ve yet to ever have a bolt extractor function properly or at all for that matter. I did have better luck with a rounded nut extractor (basically a socket with teeth in it that cut into a bolt head or nut) that actually worked once, but had a pointlessly thin shaft that snapped partially when I first used it.
the reality is that we are all taxed for the current infrastructure, regardless of cycling or not. check where your street infrastructure checks from... usually the general fund...
Bike lanes lead to more riders. For a fixed rate of collisions per miles ridden, there would be more collisions, but this would also mean there were more inexperienced riders, which would also lead to more collisions. As far as emulating the Netherlands, I would love to see it, but the culture in the US is vastly…
Holy shit that is a new low and absolute 100% crack pipe
Oh oh . Can I take back my NP ?
But is the answer “yes you can” because of slant, or because you legitimately can? Doesn’t mean not everyone wants to but is trying to ask those who don’t to reconsider their first argument. As the author points out he did in the first paragraph.
False. Our plates are the same shape, and a just few mm bigger each way than US plates. So a JDM indent will accommodate a US plate with no problems.
Mom can we get a tvr?
I was thinking about that number, and I think that there may be a few reasons for it.
Yeah, but you can deduct $0.58/mile from your taxes, so it’s pretty much a wash at that point.
Given the accelerated melting of the Arctic, these poor animals are likely to be extinct within my lifetime. You’ll excuse me if I don’t find that very calming.