
BFE/ Flyover State resident here,
Places are too far apart to not have a vehicle. Most people who work in my city drive around 30 minutes to get to work. This isn’t stuck in traffic bullshit, rather 65mph as they live in a cow town with more Churches than residents.

God Dammit.
The malaise era was the best and worst of times. Everything looks great in my eyes.

Different drips for different folks.
The more modern a roast the better suited for a Chemex or other pour over(v60, kalita wave, etc). I truly feel you are missing out on great coffee experience.

*Reads Comment, Reads Name*
It checks out!

I’m having a crisis. Must have.

Yes yes yes! Thank you!

Preach on, preach on! I can either button the top button of dress shirts and play wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tubeman or not button and have proper length sleeves.

I live in AR, too, right on the AR/OK boarder. I find it puzzling that I-40 does have any superchargers especially in and around the Memphis area. #flyoverstate #walmarthq

Respek. Well played.

The laugh track can not be denied.

That is my Grandmother. Even as a child I'd plead with her to order a combo and give me the drink. "Honey, we have drinks back at the house."

I've been to that Olive Garden. I was only one not wearing a visor, white baseball hat, or some UFC brand clothing.

My pulse, it has become quicker.

Where has this been my whole life?

I can want so very hard.

I grew up riding in a Red 500SEC. I like this.

Devils Advocate in training here,
With so very many highly specialized parts coming from a very few highly specialized suppliers, the onus is somewhat out of the hands/robots of the manufacturer.
"We will take 1.23 million of your finest widgets as you are the only name in the widget game."

This is my epitome of Christmas. Oh so happy.

This would be great for one-upping golf cart driving neighbors.

By the way, if I have to make more than two car trips out of the house in one day, something has gone terribly wrong. I've clearly forgotten the milk or something. Don't make me leave again. I can't take it.