Any word if the truck was carrying DVD players?
Any word if the truck was carrying DVD players?
That’s how Ed Truck died.
It really looks like a logo for a nearly 40 year old operating system.
The only answer is called ‘piracy’. One service (maybe cycle) and one big ass NAS do the trick.
Same as before. $0.
You can't go 3 hours without peeing? No joke here: See a doctor about that. "Small bladder" is far rarer than things like prostate enlargement and diabetes.
Yep. Sonic Screwdriver and the Earth-2 Green Lantern, united in their fear of...sticks.
What episode was that? Gonna have see for myself.
Seriously. I was just going to ask why Kyle is so salty today. Take a xanax, my guy.
You’re almost certainly wrong about the Friends lego deal. The sale appears to already be sold out...I was gonna buy it for my partner as a Christmas present...
So worst case scenario is about 3 BED: Banana Equivalent Dose.
Take your facts and logic somewhere else, this is the internet!
Oh, ffs. I’ll cite some actual numbers to provide context.
Here’s a study published in the journal Health Physics, measuring radioactivity of phosphogypsum piles.
The concentration of Radon-226 was found about 1.1 Becquerel per gram. One Becquerel is a single radioactive decay…
You think this is going to “shut up Swifties”?
I have a hard time weeping for the insiders that go in on the IPO early. It is all risk.
Kinda sounds like capitalism being capitalism, like sorry you put money into a startup company during their IPO and it tanked faster than you thought it would, but that’s how the market works sometimes
Disney executive #1: “Here’s this $50 million, straight-to-streaming kids movie about astronauts. It releases on Disney+ in a couple of months.”
Always hundreds of overly helpful staff wandering around talking, 3 workers per cash register, with wait lines longer than the amazon.
The standard of writing here is lower than the Challenger Deep on a good day. And there are very few good days here anymore.
At some point there was an initiative to put in-wheel electric motors on A320 family aircraft so they could taxi on only the APU. Don’t think it got too far haha.