

It’s common law for employers to be held responsible for the negligent conduct of their employees while working. If they weren’t no business would ever be held liable for anything negligent that happens because only the specific employee would be. Based on your rationale, if the business isn’t negligent for the

I seriously doubt all it takes is aa key. Retold stories from this site are notoriously light on crucial details much of the time.

From the article: “The concern over the fob, or the “digital magnetic key” as it was later described, is that it has the potential to allow someone to alter vote tallies.” This is a ridiculous statement and I question it’s validity. What is this “digital magnetic key”? It should be explained, technically, in detail.

Sexy space details aside, this should be a run-of-the-mill case under the Federal Tort Claims Act. It’s hard to see NASA disclaiming liability, so the only real question here is the exact amount of damages.

And therein lies the rub....she either attempts to fly commercial and turns every airport she enters into a stampeding, screaming shit-show, or she flies private and burns a lot of petrol.  The latter actually seems more sane, more efficient, less dangerous, and far easier for herself and staff.  Meh.

As many of the singer’s biggest fans point out, the alternative for Swift is to fly on public planes like the rest of us. However, I don’t know if you’ve seen the chaos that follows her wherever she goes, but I certainly don’t need that pandemonium when I’m passing through an airport.

I don’t see a walking back or an apology or an admission that he was wrong. I see him obfuscating and trying to pretend he didn’t say the thing everyone saw and heard him say. In addition to telling advertisers to go fuck themselves, repeatedly, he also stated that advertisers NOT advertising on his platform were

The fact that it’s a bikini/Hooters-style shop is KIND OF IMPORTANT TO THE STORY, WRITER. At least in helping readers realize that the customer is, you know...that guy.

The challenge when fixing these issues isn’t primarily whether the person who’s impacted is wealthy or poor (although that can matter).

My favorite advice has always been that the best exercise to get healthy is the one you want to do, the best time for it is when you’re willing to exercise regularly, and the best diet plan is the balanced diet you want to follow. It sounds like it should be a simple thing, but a lot of people seem to struggle with

It would certainly be cheaper in the long run to teach kids healthy habits. The earlier, the better because bad habits set in quickly and are difficult to unlearn.

AI Art Evangelists 2023: “AI Art will revolutionize the world. By this time next year, using advances in AI art generation, humanity will finally know the answers to history’s greatest mysteries.”

Is a Vegan Hot Dog company REALLY competition for a meat based Hot Dog company?

Routh is gay.

Bomer shouldn’t have lost a role due to being who he is, but if he lost a role in a Brett Ratner movie, did he really lose anything at all?

I absolutely believe his cop friends closed the streets, they just didn’t do it officially. They pulled up to the relevant intersections, parked and turned away traffic for 15 mins under color of authority, even if they had none, and then left when their friend was done and none of the people turned away had any

“Cybertruck makes a U Turn using only my pinky. Check mate.”

I think you’re greatly over estimating how much low level “influencers” and wannabe social media “celebrities” make.

I assume there’s no LOLZ likes for giving money to the Innocence Project or Doctors Without Borders. What a world.