Now you see this makes no sense. I distinctly remember in the series finale of the next generation they had a ship that could go warp 13. Shouldn't everyone on that ship be lizards? Plot hole or something I'm missing?
Now you see this makes no sense. I distinctly remember in the series finale of the next generation they had a ship that could go warp 13. Shouldn't everyone on that ship be lizards? Plot hole or something I'm missing?
You're a much more patient person than I am. I would have given up trying to explain to these idiots some time ago. And for the record, I cosign everything you are saying.
Seriously? Thank god Kinja lets people post anonymously. If you were forced to attach your real name to this travesty of a comment, I think I would die from vicarious embarrassment. You're parents are self made huh. Maybe they should have focused a little less on pulling themselves up by the bootstraps, and a little…
Don't waste your breath. I get the distinct feeling that people like her were never allies to begin with.
I don't want anyone to think that I am defending the original posters comment, because I wholeheartedly disagree with her/him. However I am extremely weary of the commentors leaving these "damned if you damned if you don't" comments. Ukelele, if you seriously have to ask that question then you were never an ally in…
Interesting. I think this sheds some light on how one's political leaning can have an effect on non-political things. I also read that Salon article and have been purposefully avoiding her show and episodes of The Office that feature her. Now literally after reading this I have a strong desire to watch the Mindy…
Sorry. Feed takes the award for a precognitive novel. M.T. Anderson is like fucking Nostradamus.
Well don't just leave me hanging. Describe the racist pic, or post a link to it so my curiosity can be satisfied.
HMMM. Who else is reminded of that one time a few weeks ago when Jezebel thought it was a good idea to post that creep shot of the guy in the leotard. Many of the commenters on this very article where the same ones who thought the guy creep shot was completely hilarious.
Why do I get the feeling racists wont have a problem with this commercial?
A bunch of racially tone-deaf white women? Why do I get the feeling that these people would get along famously with most of the writers and some of the commenters of this site?
There is always someone like you in a crowd. As a fellow black person, I would like to say that I find people like you fucking sickening.
The black Lena Dunham huh. God this site. Even when you try you fail. Miserably.
How the hell does one threaten a cat?
Wow. Seriously? Of course you don't see it. Feminism really is for white women.
Fucking thank you. People like you and I can say this until we are blue in the face but the above commenters and other feminists will never understand. THERE IS NO FEMINISM UNTIL THERE IS INTERSECTIONALITY. And until mainstream feminists understand this concept, feminists of color will continue to "squabble" and…
Nope sorry I will not go with the flow. But it's great that you have such an assortment of different feminist spaces that fill your needs. It must be nice. My god the lack of awareness.
You know what? I have to get this off of my chest. SORRY FOR MY UNRELATED COMMENT. I haven't been keeping up with this site recently because my editor is a goddamn slave driver, but I have to say I am very dissapointed in this site. On several occasions this site has had the opportunity to address it's blatant…
I'm going to see if I can find this. Sounds good.