Walden Two
Walden Two
When odd details about Anderson’s kidnapping started to emerge without proper context from investigators, people, according to an overview of the victim-blaming stink fog from LAist, people started speculating.
So I guess that now the Solidarity is for white women hashtag is blowing up in your collective faces, Jezebel staffers each now have a one "Woman of Color" daily article quota.
co fucking sign
This absolutely doesn't surprise me one bit. The only thing that does surprise me is that Erin Gloria Ryan should have known better.
Is that you Rush? fuck off
Air Jordans huh? This pile of human excrement that walks and talks like a man, is truly the grand-master of dog whistle racism.
Keep your chin up.
Trust me. Two words. Duo Lingo. Google it.
Not sure if you're new to this site, but Doug Barry kind of has a reputation for being really bad this sort of thing. You're criticism isn't very surprising.
fuck off
Jews haven't disproved the stereotypes? Israel is a montrosity? You see Ms. Breslaw? You're in good company.
"I wondered if anyone had alerted Hitler that in the event that the final solution didn’t pan out, only the handful of Jews who actually fulfilled the stereotype of the Judenscheisse(because every group has a few) would remain to carry on the Jewish race—conniving, indestructible, taking and taking." …
Why thank you.
I see what you did there
"Do you really want some sort of deeply personal and debasing reply from her? If she were even capable of it! Would that really mean something to you?"
You know what else is an emotionally charged subject. Telling people who survived the Holocaust to fuck off. How people are defending her bullshit is beyond me.