
I swear, half the reason I stay married is so I won't have to deal with bullshit wedding expectations again.

I can't wait for Size 007: for the deadly, debonair debutante.

even the current jax probably could lol

League of Legends is pretty much a dumbed down version of DotA2. Which is why I play LoL. If you're new to MOBA's and have infinite patience dealing with terrible people, start with LoL. If you're not new, DotA2 is a much better choice.

And then S1 Jax pummels all of their goddamn faces in

All three of those characters on the couch are from DOTA.

"Gump wins the medal of Honor, affording him the opportunity to show Lyndon Johnson his butt-wound. Because talking to American presidents about his genitals is kind of his thing."

This might sound silly but… Time is pretty fucking big, right? Like, scary big.

I see you've been brainwashed by TNT running Shawshank 1500 times every weekend.

"You know which character in Forrest Gump I envy? Lieutenant Dan's legs. Because they got to leave early."

The analogies were the meat of your responses, since you kept bringing them back. Did you read my entire response? Addressing the analogy wasn't the meat of my response, either way. Please respond to my other statements, since it seems you may be avoiding them with your most recent response.

Alright, now where did I go and say that physical abuse would be acceptable to portray, even if it was an actual experience that I could relate to? I even explicitly denied it. You're arguing based on degrees/extremes, which is a fallacy yet again. I was merely stating that the portrayal of this specific instance, in

Did you read what I said other than that initial line, however? Would you be able to address the various other points that I have made?

Another example. This is actually the cover I was thinking of.

It sounds like the only thing you actually have a problem with is the style/animation. All the plot points and moments you're complaining about are in the original anime as well. Odango receivers, hallway punishment, getting kicked out of the house, wailing to get back in etc. Also, the voice actress for Usagi (who I

I had a feeling you were going to go the straw-man fallacy route. There is no equivalence between the twisted argument you rewrote and what I actually said. I was merely commenting on the relatability of these particular scene(s), especially considering how harmlessly they played out. If they wanted to portray a

Well, wow. I'm Asian, my parents are Asian, and my parents/teachers did the exact same thing to me if I had brought similar scores back home. It may not be your own experience, but it resounds quite true to me, and it's a little bothersome that you found such a cultural difference so repulsive.