Someone in a recent Gawker comment mistakenly suggested 'bae' means 'before anyone else'. I knew it was over then.
Someone in a recent Gawker comment mistakenly suggested 'bae' means 'before anyone else'. I knew it was over then.
I was looking at this thinking: "Oh, so 'basic' means 'white'?"
Lawd, you ain't neva lied. Bae is currently being assassinated as we speak.
Dayum. That shit burns all the way over hurr.
Sometimes I get annoyed and then other times I just think, bless those white girls. I mean what are they going to do come up with their own shit? Be original? *snort laughs*
We have been Columbused once a-gain.
Alright Black People basic bitch is officially dead. Meet me over at #blacktwitter in 2o min to discuss new alternatives, b/c thot is also on it's way out.
Oh I understand what the phrase is supposed to mean. But this article is just a collection of inside jokes about vacuous white chicks from different regions.
Just file it under "Stereotyping Is Fun" and keep moving.
That was hilarious. White girls love to pull the 1/20th Cherokee card (and it's ALWAYS Cherokee, as if that's the only American Indian tribe to have existed) when they're called out for wearing headdresses, but she was wrong regardless of her racial makeup.
The truly sad/infuriating part of this is that we all know that outlawing abortion doesn't end abortion, its ends LEGAL abortions. Which means that women will die trying to rid themselves of an unwanted pregnancy. And it is not that the anti-choicers aren't aware of this fact, it is that they straight up DO NOT CARE.…
I honestly don't know how anyone can delude themselves into thinking getting rid of legal abortion will somehow stop all abortions ever. Pretty sure abortion has been around since the first person figured out that eating certain herbs induced miscarriage.
As a surly atheist, I get incredibly upset when people thank god when a doctor has just saved them. It wasn't a miracle, says surly atheist.
I know, right?
Exploding aorta? Well then. This is our little reminder that pregnancy does a number on the body — to be bookmarked next time anti-woman agitators bring up the "risks" of abortion. And to answer your question, yes, that's my takeaway. Was pregnant two times and I hope to not feel as sick again for a long time.
Personally I think Aishwarya Rai has the best hair ever. I want to cut it and make a weave out of it.