
Every trailer ever is about marketing and hype. That's the entire purpose of making a trailer. This particular one happens to be exceptionally well made.

Bravo, sir.

I have been accused of being an Apple fanboy and even I laughed out loud when he said that.

I'm so sick of that slow motion BWOOoooooooo.... sound in trailers.

I bet this was made by the amazing folks at Blur. They can make anything look good.

Bioware keeps ruining everything! And by everything, I mean my pants. Holy crap I can't wait to play Mass Effect 3.

Awesome, thanks

I absolutely loved FFXII and could not have been more disappointed with FFXIII. I gave up on the game and the entire series after 12 hours of that game.

I see what you did there.

This is why I love the deck building games like Ascension.

Well that sure ruined my Saturday. Ruined by awesome tv.

The time aspect of the game could make it difficult to translate to a paper game, but I'm sure someone could figure it out. It could also do really well as a XBLA or PSN title.

I hear you, man. Thankfully, Playdek is porting a lot of good games to iOS. Ascension in the iPhone/iPad/iPod has a great online multiplayer mode that's similar to words with friends.

I've played Ascension and the Penny Arcade deck building games. I love the level playing field and the fact that the winner isn't determined by who spent the most money on booster packs. I'll definitely check this out.

It's also available on iPhone and iPod Touch.

I'm going to buy this, but I wish there was an iPhone version so I could play online with my friends.

It's times like that that I wish io9 had some sort of like or +1 button.

Sony's about 1:5 right now.

I'm still sad this game isn't the multi-platform release they originally intended. I really wanted to play it.

We already have it.