I was hoping for the Gorn.
I was hoping for the Gorn.
So KOF encourages cheap corner traps? I'm out.
That's the best summary I've seen so far.
So true. Flash is a crap platform for both developers and users alike.
As a VFX guy this video actually tells me quite a bit. Clients keep trying to shoot on the canon 5d and 7d cameras because of the cost, but they're terrible for VFX. They have bad rolling shutter issues which makes match moving incredibly hard and the compression on the file makes them useless for green screen work.
The Underworld movies are a guilty pleasure for me. Most of the time I'm a bit of a film snob, but for some reason I can't be objective about these movies. That being said, I can't wait to see this!
I'm not saying they didn't have a hand in it, but I always thought White Wolf was taking it's inspiration from Anne Rice.
Architecture can't be art?
I'm glad Tricia Halfer is getting some work other than generic hot chick, but it's too bad that's it such a terrible lifetime movie.
Also, there's a good amount of platforming and puzzle solving.
That's the day after my birthday. I may have to get myself an awesome present.
OSX has color profiles built into the OS. Specific profiles for NTSC, PAL, SWOP color (which all have different gamma points) and also specific profiles for your monitors. QuickTime and safari also respect these profiles and display the color accurately. I was a PC user for 15 years before I switched to Macs and it…
Maybe some people buy Macs because they work in an industry that almost completely Mac based. I'm a designer and animator working in advertising and happen to care about things like accuracy in color and font reproduction. I bought a Mac because it's how I make a living, which means its compatibility with video games…
Everyone keeps saying, "just run bootcamp" but nobody is mentioning the fact that a full version of windows 7 is at least $200. I want to play Star Wars, but not when it's $50-$60 for the game $200 for a new OS and then a recurring monthly fee. At that point you're paying the cost of a console to play one game.
The Protomen are so awesome. Some of the most fun I've had seeing a live band.
I've watched several seasons of the British Top Gear on Netflix. Jeremy Clarkson is awesome, I just meant there was something about the way it was written that reminded me a little of Douglas Adams.
Maybe it was just the english accent, but the writing on the voice over felt a bit like Douglas Adams. I sure miss his writing.
Mass Effect 1 and 2 may be my absolute favorite games of this console generation and Mass Effect 3 may be my most anticipated game ever, but with the inclusion of a handful of multiplayer missions, I AM DONE WITH BIOWARE. What do I look like, some kind of COD frat bro?! Enjoy never getting my money again EA!
I would have bought Bulletstorm if the language didn't sound like a it was written by a 12 year old boy who just learned how to swear. It's a real shame since the gameplay seemed fun and I like most of Rick Remender's writing.
It's the NW corner of Park and Preston. It doesn't really have anything other Game Stops don't. It's just larger space and looks much nicer.