
My God, it's full of stars!

For real. I was into comics and sci-fi when it was popular to beat up kids who were into comics and sci-fi.

Plano also has the biggest Game Stop ever, which is attached to a Barnes & Noble and Starbucks. It's pretty awesome.

Is this that garbage where you have to have a cable package already? That would totally defeat the purpose for me. Just let me pay a monthly fee for HBO all by itself.

Sadly, Siri is only for the 4s. iPhone 4 owners won't get to use it.

Am I the only one who realizes that the name Xbox 720 doesn't make any sense? Doesn't the name Xbox 360 stem from the fact that Microsoft wanted it to be an all encompassing piece of hardware that's the central point of entertainment in the household?

1) I'm 32 and 11 years into my career with a Creative Director title.

Continually dividing ourselves along lines of gender, race and sexual preference is holding us back as a species and his outdated idea of the necessity of a dominant male role in society would just be sad if he didn't have such a public forum. Now it's both sad and harmful to the (hopefully) few people who read his

It really depends on the game. There are some iOS games that work fantastic, possibly better, using touch controls instead of buttons. I'd say those games are a bit rare, though. Most of the ones I've played would be better off with physical controls. It's why I own both an iPad and a DS.

I came here specifically to vote for that. It's one of my favorite pieces of music.

Anyone else feel like they're watching the beginning of the end?

I thought Dice said there wasn't going to be a Mirror's Edge 2 because the sales weren't very good. Are they really making one? Because I don't want to get my hopes raised and then smashed again.

That's weird. I don't see the Joker in any of these screenshots. I wonder what happened to him. I guess that's a mystery to be solved when I play the game.

Yeah, I bought that too, but it was really more of a concept art pamphlet.

Dear Eidos,

You know what else works? Occlumency. Best brain defense there is.

Batwoman was a really good read. I enjoyed it so much I ordered the trade for the previous Detective comics run. I can't wait to read issue two next month.

Why can't I buy this right now?!

That's a ridiculous statement. I bought my Mac because the industry I work in (design and animation for advertising) is almost completely Mac based. Making a living was a higher priority on my list than playing games when I bought my computer.