Your common sense business model is dumb.
Your common sense business model is dumb.
Because I don't want to spend the cost of a console on a new OS just so I can play games on my computer.
The boss battles were frustrating and out of place if you didn't run and gun your way though the game. (I didn't) It doesn't bother me too much though, since they were less than an hour of a 35 hour game and the other ~34 hours were so engaging.
The weave going in and out is the video compression. If you watch the first shot and look at the left side you'll see a lot of wobble in the trees as the go past him. That's twixtor trying to make up frames by interpolation.
There's distortion all over the place if you know what you're looking for. Motion estimation filters tend to make things really wobbly around the edges.
[Insert Roy Batty monologue]
I love this. The art and animation are both fantastic and the music is so cool, I bought the album.
And might I add, YEEEEEESSSS!
BRB, I'm going to go hug my cat.
More better?
I owned a DS and loved it at first, but then only played a few games a year on it. Then I bought a Wii and in three years, only bought three games. Now I have a 3DS and only one game to look forward to in 2012. We've grown apart Nintendo. I think we should just be friends.
Back in the day Braun had some really nice industrial design.
Start with the 2005 revival. It's where most of the Doctor Who Fans I know started and none of them had any trouble getting into the show. You may not know who some of the villains are, but that's what wikipedia is for.
One nit-picky thing that always bothers me is that nobody seems to know that the Mona Lisa is painted on wood. It happened in equilibrium too, they make a big deal about destroying the Mona Lisa and it's both too big and on the wrong medium. I'd also like to point out that destroying a robot by bashing in the head…
Have you ever seen Death Note? They talk about capturing Kira through the whole show. Even the subtitles say Kira, but Kira is actually engrish for killer.
One forty five second clip and two cheap scares? That's not very promising.
A) I found that the game was either really hard or really easy depending on whether or not you have the right items in your inventory at the right time. Once I upgraded to the largest inventory, I could carry around a few of everything and had a much easier time.
My Write-in vote would be The Pillows, Ride on Shooting Star from FLCL
The consumption of alcohol is illegal when driving a car.
I wish hey would publish a real concept art book. I got the Augmented edition that comes with a hardcover pamphlet of concept art, but I'd love to have a book with several hundred pages of Deus Ex art. Like the one I got with Bioshock 2 or Warcraft III.