
I'll be really surprised if they port Tearaway to any other system.

Thanks for mentioning this, Riven is in my list of top 5 games of all time. I'm definitely kickstarting Obduction.

I saw a landscaping business using Chiller today. Ugh...

Looks like an Arc System Works fighting game. One that I would totally play.

My Mac has bootcamp and Windows 7. My wallet is also about to be murdered.

JOKE noun \ˈjōk\

I'll admit to being guilty of the bitterness towards new geeks. The years of growing up ostracized or bullied because of my interests feel like dues I have paid. As if geek is a status earned through perseverance. Seeing people easily pick up the title and still be part of and completely accepted by the mainstream

I wouldn't know. They never released it in north america. I loved Hotel Dusk so much, I was really disappointed when they didn't sell Last Window here.

I'm so used to that kind of thing in anime that I don't even notice it anymore.

Skip the jetpack. All the cool people use teleportation these days.

So, since you don't care about a certain sector of gaming, then Kotaku shouldn't report on it? That's cool. Anything else they can change on the site to suit your specific needs?

That was a really good comic. And now I'm sad.

What I love about consoles is that for each system, the developers really only have one hardware set to account for instead of thousands of possible variations. I have never bought a console game and wondered if it will run on my machine. I have, however, bought pc games that should have no problems running on my

This style of animation is really popular right now. I've seen a lot of them on motionographer over the past year or two. It's also an incredible amount of work.

I thought about buying that, but it would run me $3000 for the right configuration. Also, my friend has one and he claims it took a year and a half to get it built and shipped to him.

I can't wait for this game. Playing TOS* co-op with my brother sounds cooler than Christmas.

We've made it to space in both a rocket and a space shuttle and we haven't mastered interstellar travel.

That's exactly what I thought

I'm terrified you may be right about that. Stupid Hollywood.

For reals. Of the MANY problems that movie had, that one really bothered me.