
Apparently every device made today requires either Angry Birds or a camera.

Check out those graphics! Man, the 90's sure are awesome.

Yeah, all of these are a no go for me since the walls are just giant windows. Maybe if that was a giant video screen of nature.

Maybe what they're really telling us is that the next xbox won't be out for another 20 years.

you can get accelerando as a free ebook from his site. []

I like Stross' ideas, but his books always read like someone crammed pages from a Linux manual into a compelling science fiction story. I have a really hard time getting through that.

I wish I had a copy of Blade Runner that ran on OSX. I loved that game when I was in college.

There was a vendor at A-Kon selling fancy soaps this year but I'm guessing the people they were trying to reach, the ones who really needed it, weren't buying.

Anyone else want to buy a Prius now?

I don't have high hopes for Alphas but I'm going to check it out tonight along with Warehouse 13, which I'm really excited about despite it's many flaws.

They're no Mastodon, that's for sure.

To me, calling a smartphone a phone is a bit of a misnomer. It's like calling a PC a word processor or a web browser. Phone calls make up less than 1/3 of the time spent using my iPhone.

I want to play a MMO in this kind of environment.

Dear Syfy,(sic)

Vivre ou mourir. Faites votre choix.

It appears I haven't been giving professional cheerleaders/dancers enough credit.

I know and Amy Acker didn't survive Angel either. So that means two thirds of the list survived. If you count Dollhouse then those figures become a little muddy since Felicia Day survived, Summer Glau didn't and it's unclear what happened to Amy Acker.

I hate pretty much every sport (I may watch a hockey game once and a while) but I really enjoy watching a pro street fighter match.

I'll be glad when it airs and I don't have to see 100,000 Torchwood ads a day all over the internet.

Stand her next to Summer Glau, Amy Acker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michelle Trachtenberg, Alyson Hannigan and Felicia Day and she's totally Joss Whedon's type. 2/3 of those ladies kicked ass and survived and the ratio gets better if you count Felicia Day twice.