
Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil got picked up and is going to have a theatrical release in September. I can't wait to see it again.

I was reading today that two priests in Missouri were arrested in the last three months for molesting kids and/or child porn. Coincidence or is Mo cracking down on them?

Man, I played the hell out of Kings Quest IV. Sierra and then Lucasarts made the best games back in the day.

I miss The Screen Savers. That was an awesome show when Leo, Patrick and Megan were on.

Rockstar games have the worst driving mechanics ever and then have the stones to rate you on your driving.

The content isn't licensed indefinitely. It's a contract that runs out and has to be renegotiated periodically. Sometimes it comes back and sometimes it doesn't. It all depends on whether the studios and Netflix can come to an agreement.

If this isn't a screenshot for a Blade Runner game, I'll have no choice but to fly to Poland and start punching until it becomes a Blade Runner game.

It's so entrenched in logins and email addresses that I can't completely get away from it. I'd love to drop my geocities name, though.

Movies and a lot of HDTV run at 24fps and a lot of TV runs at 30fps* and nobody says that runs like crap. (*unless you're in a PAL country where it's 25fps. Also, to get really technical, it's 23.98fps and 29.97fps)

I believe you mean CARthulhu

I hope it's just his fists he's going to be smashing stuff with.

it's probably a Skrull invasion. They're all looking/flying/kicking at different Skrulls.

I love Aronofsky, but I'm waiting for him to make a movie that isn't about people being consumed by their obsessions. I'm guessing a Noah movie will also follow that theme.

I'm buying it today! But I agree with you. I've tried to get so many people to play Rez, but nobody would give it a chance.

Man, space is dangerous. With all those gamma rays, cosmic rays and the sun, it's surprising Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin didn't spend the 70's fighting crime.

This is a tough one. Taking your game to a venue where the whole purpose is to show it off and then denying to show it to someone is a bit of a jerk move. On the other hand, being a jerk to Bobby Kotick deserves a medal.

He's also my top choice. I loved him as Sherlock and as Frankenstein. He plays a good genius.

Nice font, Is that a death metal band or something?

You mean like this one on Amazon? []

I totally already pre-ordered this, but I kind of agree. I'd love to see a collector's edition on par with some of the blizzard games, Bioshock 2 or the Blade Runner Suitcase edition.