
The England section of Epcot in Disney World once sold yards of beer. We were very disappointed to find that they had stopped.

C'mon. I tear up every time I watch it... and I watch it every time I see it posted....

I watched the video you posted which led to a video about the voice actor for Mario. Then I immediately wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy. Just the music to that game puts me at ease.

Fuck, I need to re-watch the series.

This made me surprisingly nauseous.

So, it's basically all the cool parts of The Patriot? USA! USA! USA!

I helped coerce my wife's little cousin to go onto the ride of the first time back in January. If this happened to her then, she'd have hated us all for a very long time.

You've ruined the magic. :-(

A leaky pipe would really ruin the experience.

C'mon. It's Friday. I just got home from work. And now my eyes are all red.

Same here. I came back from a more recent article to find this gif.

I had a brief feeling of vertigo when snorkeling in Jamaica. The water was so clear, I could see straight through what had to be 40 feet of water. It took some time to shake the sense that by stepping off the boat I wasn't going to plunge straight down to the "Ground".

The image reminds me of when I'd go to Family Toy Warehouse (I think that's what it was called) and hide the specific Star Wars figures I was saving up for and tuck them behind other displays, hoping they'd be there when I'd have enough money. I'm sorry! It was really hard to find a Darth Vader at the time! #confession

"I have to do something! No one can know I let this tiny woman squeeze my balls for so long! I know!" *dies*

If the game's music is like the trailer, than I'm sure it's fantastic.

I started playing a Game of Thrones drinking game with this episode. I didn't get nearly as drunk as I thought I would. Only 2 shots for gratuitious sex/nudity! However, a sip for every Tyrion quip results in many, many sips.

I just... can't even.... this guy? Sigh. You already own a Lamborghini. We know you're wealthy. Writing online about your money and how it somehow makes you a better person.... well, barf.

This guidebook made me wish I were much more talented and could join them. It sounds like an amazing place to work. I loved and respected Valve before, but now I'm having trouble describing how strongly I feel for them.