
I hope the ending of Episode 2 wasn't spoiled for you. It's in my list of top-ten most emotional gaming experiences.

My name is Kevin... and... I liked Inception.

And here I thought I had conquered my fear of heights by climbing a 2 story tall ladder a couple of weeks ago. Nope, Nope, Nope.

But would the rails in front be able to handle dozens of tanks riding over them?

If I didn't get 5 games for Christmas with an already extensive backlog, I'd buy this right now. For the beans.

I just entered the Android world with a Galaxy Note 3. Coming from an iPhone 4S, it's been quite the change. I'm nothing but happy with it so far. However, I have no idea where I'm going to put this thing on my person in the summer.

Imagine the psychological effect of seeing/hearing that thing rolling up to the front. No, thanks.

You're looking at all of the basic bitches being called.

All of this reminds me of the old "press alt + F4 for no clip mode" back in Counter-Strike.

Quick, someone post that .gif of a F-14 coming out of the water.

Wait, what?

Or Volume 5: The End Been Done Past

Gotta get dem clicks, ya mean?

This song and Rock Band has a special place in my heart, and the collective hearts of my family. My wife's cousin thought the lyrics to this song were "I wanna piece of David" as in, the writer wanted to fight David. Unfortunately, that cousin died about 2 years ago. Whenever we hear this song, we lovingly think of

For the past several years, whenever I'd decide who I was going to dress up as for Halloween my wife would say "You're going to have to explain who you are to almost everyone." The first year I was Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2. The second year I was John Locke from Lost. The third year I was Nathan Drake from Uncharted.

Fantastic! For the first 10 seconds I was seriously doubting that it'd go well. Instant nostalgia! My favorite zone and music from Sonic 3.

The hardware is the device they'll use to announce Half-Life 3. That's all it does. You turn it on, it says "Hey, Half-Life 3 is real. Coming Winter 2019."

I've been with Steam since the beginning. I was playing Counter-Strike before then in one of the betas, all the way up to 1.6 (still before Steam!). Ah, so much time spent behind a desk as a teenager. Steam is definitely a part of those memories. I do remember it being terrible and it's come a long, long way.

ONE, TARGET, DOG, 12 o'clock!

I made it 30 seconds before the cringes were so bad I had to click pause.