
No, just make a new X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter. Just pool all the people making other space combat games, re-hire the people that made X-Wing, TIE Fighter and X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter, and have them make a new one. With unlimited resources. Now.

Does this mean it's geddongeddon!?

Just looking at the one with the take-out containers gave me diarrhea.

They make Dairy Queen games?

Well, hopefully I don't have a day like that! Thanks.

It's one of many politically correct euphemisms used now-a-days. No one will be horribly upset if you say force. See also: "Detention Center" as opposed to "Penitentiary" and "Discipline" or "Correct" as opposed to "Punish".

In terms of a desktop, I'd say it's common for most people to build their own. You get a much better understand of what's going on inside the machine and it's super rewarding. My first build was pretty hard but my second computer I built was much easier. The cords are simplier (SATA over IDE cables) and motherboards

I think you're the only person in the world who didn't know that shit gets real in that movie.

That flow chart is amazing.

I like to get all Freudian and say that when you capitalize a word by accident (that shouldn't be capitalized) you're secrety suggesting there's superiority in that thing.

Ah, I remember spending my summers in high school like that. In elementary school, it was waiting for my Lego Magazine. I'd look for it ever day. The thing was so small it only ocuppied me for 20 minutes. Kids are sooo lucky to have the internet.

After over a year of waiting, jumping through hoops and training my butt off, it appears that I'll be starting the Police Academy on Monday. All that remains is the call to come sign some papers. Assuming the city doesn't suddenly run out of money and cancel the class, I'll be there.

And now the Kirby theme is in my head.

Anyone else only know what an ingot is from Minecraft?

I like your drink physics logic.

Wait, the person who originally instituted the yard beer thought people weren't trying to get drunk from it? I mean, I see people treating ducks like shit as a bad thing, but wouldn't the first response be to remove the ducks rather than the beer? Or am I thinking backwards like a drunk American?

I'm thinking I'm jealous!

It's either a hilariously well-written troll review OR there's no hope for humanity.

Agreed! I went to Disney World as a 12 year old many years ago. I had fun, but it's nothing compared to how much I enjoy it now. I've gone 3 times in the past 6 years. The only thing stopping me from going every year is the cost. The last time I went with some friends, we sat in mini-England for a bit drinking giant

She kind of looks like Ellen Paige there.