
Well if you can't support it, I'd gladly let you destroy it!

This is very relevant to a long, drunken conversation/debate my wife and I had last night.

Jesus, why did you let Zoo Keeper exist?

In Age of Empires, you could get away with that, as the only way to get through them was to chop 'em all down. It was fun to get the jump on an enemy, hacking through a forest. By the time they realized you had practically flanked their lines by chopping up trees, it was too late to set up a good defense.

Bravo! *claps*

Yo dawg, I heard you like remakes so I remade your remake so you can remake your remakes!

Yep. It's spread to novels and video games, too. While in video games it makes a bit more sense, as part of the fun is interacting with the story, I don't need to read about Harry decades later. I'm sure he lived happily ever after, he killed his nemesis! Although, an epilogue in which he lives as an old hermit

YES. I play casually, and all I play as is Pikachu. It's very frustrating for others when my half-assed strategy (usually just down-B) over-powers a more experienced player's skill-inspired decisions.

Your friend sounds like a child. Or a dick, as sometimes children can be dicks.

Don't bring your crazy Youtube culture here!

because internet everywhere.

I'd say it's very close. You could make the argument that it is needed for your well-being in the form of income. While not always directly, a vast majority of professions rely heavily on the internet.

You say this as though it's something you've done yourself...


Does the Jay-Walking refer to the Leno show sketch?

So you farted?

Yo dawg I heard you like commuting so I put a commuting thing on your commuting thing so you can commute while you commute!

Perhaps if someone could get several items on a plane that they could combine to look a lot like a gun? It'd take a lot of engineering but I'm sure there are smart people out there who are also giant assholes.


Just like the practice of treating every gun like it's loaded, I tend to believe people when they say they have a gun. I then assume that gun is in working order.