
Only if it ends with "You're fired!"


and a tiny Pizza Hut inside.

The image reminds me of the first time I shot down a Bear in F-22 Raptor. Ah, memories. And, as an arrogant American, I remember laughing that the Russians used prop bombers. What a jerk.

lol, really. Those battles in that game would cost into the trillions, especially with the 50+ missile loadout. At that point, the country's leaders would be like "Guys, just get out and fist fight. This shit costs way too much."

I hope they stick to their guns and do what they do best....

Ah, you missed the pun!

Right? The project was cancelled. It's no longer "futuristic" it's "cancelled".

1) Wear Tights

This costume! I like it! ANOTHER!

So, you spin and a circle and walk away... towards the game? :p

Community is amazing. I just re-watched the 2 part season 2 finale. Didn't catch a lot of the call-backs to earlier episodes (Troy's master plumbing skills in the Good-Will Hunting parody episode and the "E Pluribus Anus" flag). It's really growing well.

I watched that movie (Live Free or Die Hard) for a second time yesterday. It's so awful it's hilariously entertaining. He crashes through a wall with a Ford Explorer, hits the bad lady, hangs off of an elevator shaft, fights said lady hanging on wires in an elevator shaft, avoids falling, makes it to safety. Hilarious.

Your logic makes my brain hurt.

I enjoyed Far Cry 2. But as you mentioned, the methods of enemy's spawning caused me to give up. It seemed like a cheap way to increase the difficulty or lengthen the game. It had me thinking "How many white mercenaries can possibly be in Africa!?" It was fun, and the open-ended stuff pleased me, but that repetition

I'm pro anything new. Sadly, I can't afford to keep up with it all. I still don't have a working 360, Kinect or Move. :-(

Really the convention center in Boston has like 3 restaurants nearby and they were all pretty crappy.

LA can keep it. Now, PAX East should be in Philly sometime, y'know? Just sayin'. We've got this big expansion to our convention center going on... hotels, awesome places to eat and drink all nearby. And then my generous brother-in-law wouldn't have to dish out hundreds to put my wife and I up in a hotel.