
You mentioned a couple of things that make me lose it regarding cyclists.

I'd probably have to pause the game to look up the name of the damn gun, but I see where they're going with this.

Ours was in their parking lot. The lap was a bit more than 300m. One part was slightly uphill, the other was down. Taking the turn for the 300m lap caused a lot of spills because it was sharp and around a blind corner.

Good luck! Keeping fit with someone close allows you to encourage one another. Sounds like they have an advantage, though. :p

Upside down!

I passed my police physical test today! Despite the insane heat today (nearing 100 in Philly with tons of humidity), I had my best time ever for a 1.5 mile run: 11:30. The awesome, supportive staff definitely helped. Having 3 people say "You're doing great, keep it up!" made me ignore the heat. It was awesome.

That's what the tongue face was for! I wasn't particularly mad. No worries, friend.

Don't forget the 3DS version!

Battlefield 2 is pretty cheap on Steam. It's about 20USD for the entire collection. If you want to wait a couple of days, you could get it on Amazon for about 15USD. Both a great prices.

So, they watch Modern Family?

I don't know, that looked pretty good. Remember, this is where the 360 and PS3 are now. When they launched, they did not look like this. Sony claimed the PS3 would be a 10 year system. So, if we're to believe that we won't see another console from them until 2016. The Wii U will likely match that console's capability

Two wrongs don't make a right, champ. In this circumstance, staying quiet would've helped. You're just inciting anger in others. Let's all sit back, relax and enjoy our hobby.

That was extremely enjoyable.

And when he said "Vita means Life" I quickly said "As in, it breathes new life into our near-dead handheld brand."

They get Super Mario Galaxy to look so damn gorgeous on the Wii... imagine what they could do with a really powerful piece of hardware. I AM AMPED.

I'll be doing massive upgrades to mine, which was built in May of 2010. I'm friggin' excited for BF3.

I lol'd when they announced the NGP was called "Playstation Vita". C'mon... we knew that for what translates as years in internet time.

Well, even if it is just hardware, that's pretty exciting. If it's leaps and bounds ahead of PS3 and 360, we're going to have an awesome battle in the coming years. Since so little is known, I'm extrememly excited. So many possibilities.

Even if you're not a fan of those franchises, you've gotta be excited overall. A new console is fantastic! That, and so very little is known about this! Is Nintendo going to be running a casual console alongside a hardcore one? Is this a replacement for the Wii? What can it do? What's this rumored controller going to

Isn't that how Judas got into that big supper you had?