
Yep, that's a baby coaster.

That sounds like a lot of trial and error. That must make him blind with rage!

Could've wiped the dust off of your screen...

Speaking of PSP.... I'm going to PAX east and was thinking of getting a game or two that people might be playing in the long lines I'm likely to experience. Any suggestions?

What is Toronto?????

Strangers who helped her with her bags and took photos together? I believe strangers that do that are usually closely inspected.

I can also make you look like a giant douche.

I stil have that sidewinder. I've played countless hours of BF2 using it; it's fantastic. Perhaps its the game and not the joystick, but it doesn't work with completely with BF:BC2. The thought of using a mouse and keyboard to fly a chopper makes my head hurt.

That guy kinda looks like he's saying "DAT FRANCHISE"

I love that show and that episode in particular was fantastic. I've only played D&D once but I think they were pretty dead on with execution.

It would appear that it's confusing to the people coding it, too. Some links don't take me to the article, but rather redirect to the front page.

I like this idea. I've been dangerously low on funds and I haven't been/won't be able to buy a whole lot of games. I've been meaning to go back to the MGS franchise and play each of those titles a bit more. After all, MGS3 is certainly worthy of another play-through.

This is probably why Lego didn't go along with it. I was about 13 when I wrote Lego a letter, asking them if they'd ever make an "Army" line (like the Police, City, Fire, etc.) They pretty much said "No, but use your imagination to build it!" Given the violence associated with Halo, I can see why its with Mega Blocks.

I've always said "Zel-ot"

This explains why I always end up in those orgies...

That's some cutting-edge handwriting.

I still say certain things are sick or hurt. For example, I said my car had a boo-boo when it's axle broke. When my dishwasher doesn't clean very well, I verbally scold it. When my computer is running slowly, I say it's not feeling well. Perhaps I have an issue and need to grow up.

"It also resulted in a wave of negative, if ill-informed comments from the American media." This, in some form, should be in every article. Everywhere.

My wife's iPhone 3G recently set a password for the voicemail somehow (it was probably a butt dial or child). She went through the steps with AT&T and it texted her a new password - with no security questions asked. I don't really take phone passwords too seriously. It's to keep youngings and co-workers out of your

That's really, really gross.