
Around the time when the Senate was deciding if Sotomayor should be a Supreme Court Justice, she was referred to as "Latina Justice Sotomayor" on the radio a lot. I had an idea for a comic called "Latina Justice" in which Sotomayor used Hispanic stereotypes against the evil and fights for civil rights for all. For

In elementary school, my friends and I would draw a side view of a giant tank with a large battle taking place on and around it. People were parachuting in, helicopters were attacking it, limbs were being blown off people. It was quite fun. I probably still have some of the drawings packed somewhere at my mom's place.

The first response my wife and I had to the trailer was "This looks like a bad-ass version of E.T.!" Clearly, we weren't alone.

I'm with you. I gave it some time but I'm finding it to be quite annoying. I've clicked "blog view" every time I came to the site so far. I feel like I'm missing out.

That child needs to be spanked.

@Spaceboy: Oh wait, that was Corn Flakes. The pun is lost!

Don't forget to eat your Weedies!

@twizm: You mean her life-destroying HIV?

@Squishpoke: Or video games, for that matter. Or movies. Or literature.

@Ding-Dang: I agree. WebMD makes people panic and go to their doctor. There, they tell their doctor that they think they're dying because the internet told them so.

@yanthrax: I was about 12 when I downloaded the demo and played it over and over. I think I was 13 when I bought it for myself at Babbage's or Electronic's Botique. Never played 2 until I bought it on Steam a couple of months ago.

@Spaceboy: It's safe for work. A very relevant article is all.

I like the legend.

@Dayvie: The note symbol made me smile for some reason.

@Imperius146: add an "lol" after go, makes it much more douchey.

@xeleion - Works at Best Buy: Given my family's history (and how my father and his father didn't live past 65) I probably won't be moving around much at 90, if I'm alive at all.