Not to be picky, but she’s married to William H. Macy, not Willem Dafoe.
Not to be picky, but she’s married to William H. Macy, not Willem Dafoe.
If you were Huffman’s close personal friend, you’d probably know that she’s married to William H. Macy, not Willem Dafoe.
I have an even easier trick to see who wrote the article--the byline!
But seriously, Jose Andres is a goddamn saint. He was in Puerto Rico serving over 10,000 a meals a day after Hurricane Maria struck.
Yeah, but they didn’t fire the guy that decided they didn’t have to fire the guy before they decided they did have to fire the guy.
President Trump announced he intends to attend Game 5 in Washington.
MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.
Jesus fuckin’ Christ, lady!
Yeah, it seems weird to treat his relationship to Dylan as nearly an aside.
It’s like being mad at All the President’s Men for focusing on Woodward and Bernstein instead of doing a deep dive on the Nixon presidency.
It seems pretty clear to me that in the course of reporting the Weinstein story - which was presumably first a piece for NBC TV, which by necessity morphed into a print article when it moved to The New Yorker - a second story started to emerge. It’s literally in the title of this book, “Catch & Kill.” Killing Farrow’s…
It was about the process of getting the story published and the institutional bullshit that protected people like Lauer and Weinstein. I don’t think it minimizes anything about the victims, it’s just about a different-ish topic? It’s like being mad at All the President’s Men for focusing on Woodward and Bernstein…
Number one rule of book reviewing: Review the book in front of you, not the book you fantasize about reading.
This article is ridiculous. Farrow rails against powerful evil men hiding truth to service other powerful evil men and it doesn’t matter? If powerful evil men were not allowed to suppress news and the women who make claims against them, would life not in fact be better for women and other victims?
It is important to remember that Farrow’s sister, Dylan, wrote about the “grooming” and alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of her father, Woody Allen. In a piece for the Hollywood Reporter in 2016, Farrow lays bare his personal stake in the movement—his sister’s suffering—and it is this investment that led him…
I have not read this book. But it sounds from the review that this is just not the book on the matter that Megan wanted to read. I’m sure, however, it’s exactly the book that Farrow set out to write.
The book is about NBC killing the story and Farrow trying to get it published.
Aiming for that sweet sweet Astros front office position.
If his grouping is like his strike zone, we have nothing to worry about. Dude’s a storm trooper.