I just yelped with laughter.
I know a girl who had a breast reduction surgery because boys were picking on her because of her breast size. Now that her breasts are smaller, the boys still pick on her. Kids are always going to find something to harass other kids about.
December 25, it's no good at all. Happy almost birthday!!!!
I'm glad!!
I want this sign if you cross out "Christ" and replace it with "Batman".
I'm 6'1 and I go out swing dancing, I have danced with some shorter men who were excellent dancers! Don't give up hope for a great waltz!
I don't know if it's just a tall woman thing but I've noticed that tall women don't mind if a man is within an inch or two of their height, while shorter women seem to want men who are 6+. I had a roommate who said that "you should never date a man who isn't taller than you in your tallest heels." I would have to date…
I went to school with a girl who hadn't gotten into her dream college. Instead of telling her friends and boyfriend that she wasn't accepted, she told everyone she got in to said dream school but that she couldn't go because she had a brain tumor. Meanwhile she was taking classes at my college on the sly and telling…
I am in the Seattle area and I'll definitely check that out. Thank you!
Have you done it or are you preparing?
When I was really little I used to play around the burned down house in the woods maybe a mile away from my own home. I don't know if my parents knew that I played there, I was an avid tresspasser and was always off exploring.
I have!
Oh! Well her boyfriend was suspicious after a while and he called her parents and asked them about it. Obviously her parents had no clue she had lied to everyone like that so they told him she was fine. She came home and he was there waiting for her, with her parents. Dumped AND in major trouble.
I have no idea. She told a ton of people too. I can't remember what kind of cancer she said it was, but it was very specific. She studied up to sound credible.
I went to college with a girl, who when she didn't get into her dream school out of HS, told everyone she knew she had cancer instead of just owning up to it. She told her boyfriend she was going to the dr when she was going to class at the college she did go to. He finally found out and broke up with her SURPRISE.
Whoah what! Walgreens!?
I will agree with "If you listen to music too loudly you'll go deaf" because I know a few people who have gone to concerts, hung out too close to the speakers and completely lost their hearing. But other than that, BULLSHIT.
When I was in Hong Kong I felt the same way. I couldn't find clothes, I couldn't find shoes and I'm 6 feet tall so I stuck out like a sore thumb. Im one size bigger than the biggest size they carried in jeans in all the stores, the salesgirls looked at me like I was a monster.
Everyone stoooooop. Too scary.