Thanks! I knew somebody would get it.
Thanks! I knew somebody would get it.
You'll love it. It's a way of life.
They have no standard protocol (that I am aware of) to address domestic violence. They should come up with one that states what is unacceptable, what the penalties are for breaking that, and how they review incidents for validity and how that applies to games out and when.
The NFL has a domestic violence problem because they have not addressed it as part of a code of conduct.
So the NFL knew that Rice, "attempting to cause bodily injury to J. Palmer ...[struck] her with his hand, rendering her unconscious."
Because a man beating a woman in a much more horrible thing, especially a man in physical condition to play in the NFL.
People, please remember, if you are stuffing your piehole with pasta you've already paid $100 for, tip your server a respectable amount for the gluttonous amount of pasta you are receiving. These folks work their asses off for a living.
73 answers, and a regret ain't one.
I would call it "typically shitty" rather than "disturbing." The National Review employing idiotic shitheads is as unexpected as the sun rising in the east each day.
And the wimpy-ass "would be disturbing to think" rather then just owning his own thoughts.
Don't you dames have a sensa hyooma? It's like a fella can't even be a nice guy!
Yeah, but have you seen what kind of horrible things can happen with more traditional snack receptacles?
Yeah but there's no dick in his mouth. Maybe he's getting a beej and giving a hanj?
I would suspect the reason they fired her was to avoid scandal. They were OK with her being gay as long as she kept it to herself. Once she was pregnant that would draw attention to her situation.
Still sounds terrible.
He's actually getting his first beej at that moment.
Fighting about John Mayer is like two hyenas fighting over a rotting water buffalo carcass.
This was really funny. Thank you.
She's trying to strain out the bad messages.
Her story is full of holes.