
Pretty sure it's an Ikea blanket. Smormal or something.

This fucking guy.

She'll give you crabgrass.

She wasn't exactly clear. Something about tangential involvement in a drug ring and her lawyer asking for probation and rehab instead of jail time and the Judge saying OK as long as she never fucking came back to Oklahoma. Sounded dubious but badass. So she came to Illinois for rehab, which was where we met.

The faintest whispers

There are indeed a lot of terrible venereal diseases you can get from Batman villains...

Now playing

Everything below the waist is made heavenly by ice skating, in my (admittedly limited) experience.

I briefly liaised with a skater.

I read election as Mr. McAllister is a horrible person that pays for it in the end, while Tracy is a more sympathetic character.

+1. Top shelf.

Though you may believe your hand is shaped like a home, it is not.

The first thing to know about your penis is, that despite the way it may see...

Yeah that would not be worth the effort for the one extra boob.

I'm with you there, but I don't think she's been portrayed in film.

One of my cats does that. He at least shits in the box, but then he scratches the side of the box, climbs out scratches the outside of the box, and then the shit is uncovered.

To these beanpole dames from the magazanes: you ain't it Miss Thang.

Maybe they were aiming for the toilet and missed?