400 hp Ford Galaxie that weighs over 2 tons with me in it. Manual brakes. Makes for occasional adventures. The wife put it on someone’s lawn the first (and only) time she ever drove it.
400 hp Ford Galaxie that weighs over 2 tons with me in it. Manual brakes. Makes for occasional adventures. The wife put it on someone’s lawn the first (and only) time she ever drove it.
That’s exactly what colleges need - more dialogue on race. It’s a subject that rarely comes up.
I’m a male, which would make me a majority...
I’ll see that and raise you one Rachel Ray.
I was late for work as a skinny 17-year-old, so I took exception when the car ahead of me stopped at a yellow light. I threw my hands up in the air, yelled “What the fuck?!!” and then (mistake!) gave him the finger. Pretty mild I thought, but the driver took exception. Huge guy gets out, strides around to my…
I have The Club in all my cars. I haven’t put it on a steering wheel in 15 years. Hell, I don’t even know where the keys are for two of them.
I’m that fucking guy who will stop a kid wear an Wahoo snapback to let them know it’s not okay.
SJWs love writing notes of this ilk. Clearly the label annoys them, so I for one will continue to use it.
Nah. The Mets have tortured me for the past 29 years: blowing the NLCS in ‘88, coming soclose to a miracle comeback before losing on Kenny Rogers waking in a run in ‘99, losing to Satan’s Minions in 2000, Beltran in 2006, choking in 2007 and 2008, even losing a winnable series last year. But it all pales compared to…
Met fan, and guy who lost a few people on 9/11 here. Was overjoyed when Gonzalez hit that bloop. Some hatreds are transcendent.
Well, unbridled capitalism is not so great. But history is littered with the remains of collectivist societies. And the souls of the millions that always seem to die when they are attempted.
Capitalism, the greatest driver of prosperity in the history of mankind? Yep.
The Falcons jersey worth having would be Eugene Robinson, for the lulz. Or Mexico.
Kind of ironic that an article about urban dystopias has comments encouraging people to vote for socialists and progressives.
Spay The Poor.
“I don’t think Clinton is corrupt”
I was refereeing college intramural flag football and one idiot had to be held back from attacking me because I didn’t call holding on the guy blocking him. I could have called holding (and pass interference, and offensive pass interference, and a host of other infractions) every single play and done nothing else for…
“social justice and shit”
I can believe this. I regularly drive around in a 60s land yacht whose only safety feature is a lap belt (that I had to buy and install - it didn’t even have seat belts!). I drive a lot more carefully in it than any of my regular cars.
I’ve never had any kind of high-end car, and I still avoid the valet like the plague. At the risk of sounding snobbish, if that’s that guy’s job, he probably isn’t very bright and I don’t need him fucking up my shit and stealing everything that isn’t glued down.